If military is the only way, I'm hoping that President Trump doesn't limp back into the white house, but instead the illegitimate election evidence somehow causes the military to take control and use military tribunals to remove the deep state rather than our corrupted DoJ.
Not good enough... It's not just enough for Trump to take back this election anymore. Yes he needs to retake office but we all also need to drain the SWAMP and I mean big time!
Trump needs all his Votes and I mean all of them and then the military needs to move in arresting Dem/ Rep no matter who won or lost this game needs to end....
Yep, I'm in a swinger that's still blue on that map and I'll be damned if I'll let the nullify my vote. There will be consequences for the treason, one way or the other.
I surely hope the military is in control because the cabal is not going to let these audits happen that easily....and what about georgia?...wisconsin? Michigan?....
Think about this frens... the one thing I ALWAYS hear whenever I lay the case out clearly to a MSM-junkie is: "Okay, okay, everything's a conspiracy, I get it. But... there's just TOO many people involved for this to work!"
They do not understand the scope of this. They think in 1:1:1:1 terms, they simply cannot fathom anything other than:
Every politician = R vs D
They don't work together (maybe that's the point of all the political theater? To convince everyone they are incompetent and would NEVER work together)
Everything viewed through race or virtue, causing endless division
The entire election is being put in plain view for all to see the fraud.
The scope of such election fraud would be far more complex than just about anything else that has come before it. It's the perfect crime to put on display.
If military is the only way, I'm hoping that President Trump doesn't limp back into the white house, but instead the illegitimate election evidence somehow causes the military to take control and use military tribunals to remove the deep state rather than our corrupted DoJ.
Not good enough... It's not just enough for Trump to take back this election anymore. Yes he needs to retake office but we all also need to drain the SWAMP and I mean big time!
Trump needs all his Votes and I mean all of them and then the military needs to move in arresting Dem/ Rep no matter who won or lost this game needs to end....
Declare war on Human trafficking!
Japan invades China with US allies,etc
Only time will tell tick-tock...
I also hope this isn’t the path. We know Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, and others were stolen. California likely as well.
My hope is that military takes over in a few months and stays in power until Jan 2023. Then we get 6 more years of Trump.
We need to audit every state. Especially California and Illinois
Virginia also. I refuse to believe their governor tried to ban guns and they voted democrat.
And that’s not all folks BUT a good start
Great but not good enough. Americans won't be satisfied until we reach the final tally.
Yep, I'm in a swinger that's still blue on that map and I'll be damned if I'll let the nullify my vote. There will be consequences for the treason, one way or the other.
Well this is just for presidential election. It will be important to run an audit in every state for down ballot purposes.
This is BS folks
Trump won 410 minimum. OAN reported it right after the Scytl data was seized
Hoping Xiden and a bunch of the deep state are rounded up and sent to Gitmo,
What I believe to be the actual results of the 2020 Elections http://the2020elections.us/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Team-Sidney-400x435-1.png
http://The2020Elections.us fun facts...
Correct, 410
How you figure Cali went deep red?
Always has been RED. Voter fraud has just been entrenched for so long you thought it was blue.
My fact info on http://The2020Elections.us based on findings...
Flip Illinois while you’re at it. Start with an audit of Cook Kane Will and DuPage counties. It’ll flip for sure.
I surely hope the military is in control because the cabal is not going to let these audits happen that easily....and what about georgia?...wisconsin? Michigan?....
Think about this frens... the one thing I ALWAYS hear whenever I lay the case out clearly to a MSM-junkie is: "Okay, okay, everything's a conspiracy, I get it. But... there's just TOO many people involved for this to work!"
They do not understand the scope of this. They think in 1:1:1:1 terms, they simply cannot fathom anything other than:
Every politician = R vs D
They don't work together (maybe that's the point of all the political theater? To convince everyone they are incompetent and would NEVER work together)
Everything viewed through race or virtue, causing endless division
The entire election is being put in plain view for all to see the fraud.
The scope of such election fraud would be far more complex than just about anything else that has come before it. It's the perfect crime to put on display.
i wonder how many states are suffering under D governors they didn't vote for
NH audit teams are rabid leftards.
Surely Georgia would audit and flip?