We are watching a chess match play out where whitehats have already taken the enemy queen, king, and rooks off the chess board first. We are literally just watching the rest of the pieces get taken out as if there is still a chance left in the game.
I feel like if Trump forced them to not steal this election then everything we feel would have been pushed on the left hard. The left would be storming the capitol building and the media would encourage it, and many patriots would be disillusioned due to media lies. Then we would have really been fucked and stuck with Biden for the long haul
It had to be this way.
yep they wanted to make it look like Trump stole the election
thats another reason why the military is the only way. even if it was proven beyond a doubt that he won, the left would never accept it, just as the right wont accept any laws passed by a phony govt. best bet is a military run election and nullification of Columbian Empire laws and castration of the illegitimate governments power until the military election is through
That's exactly what johnheretohelp laid out in his Twitter thread which was making the rounds here yesterday, and subsequently got him banned from Twitter. Do a johnheretohelp search here for the threads. TLDR: you're exactly right.
I just checked and he's still up on twatter. I do love that thread you are referencing though! Did you ever see the interview with him where he talks about working on Looking Glass and several other projects?
That's strange, his account was suspended when I checked it after the posts here. Saw others linking to his account AFTER as well, which I did find really strange. But I wasn't high, or hallucinating, when I saw it suspended. Others commented too. Very weird.
I've seen a bit of his work, but haven't fully dug in, no. Was the PLG one also the whistleblower document with L. Wood? If yes, I skimmed it, but mostly the parts linked here about the heinous acts of politicians.
TBH PLG is the kind of thing I have a second hand TLDR understanding of, and I believe it instinctively and thus don't really research it that much due to prioritizing my limited free time.
Nice chat. ?
Welcome to the strangest of times, mein freund. Do not second guess yourself. It may have been blocked from your window, but not from mine.
There are stranger things afoot presently than you are aware.
I love you, fellow patrtiot.
Stay strong.
Do you hear the thunder?
I do not hear the thunder, but I feel the sun and the breeze. I'm very personally blessed in that regard. Thanks for the kindness. ?
Its like in poker when you've seen the river, watched your opponent slump in defeat, so you put in a tiny little bet to tempt just a few extra chips out of him, knowing you've won, but making him pay a token more will demoralise him into full-tilt despair.
or like in age of empires, when you withdraw from the enemy town leaving him just a few villagers among smoking ruins, knowing he could never mount another attack, leaving him with only one option: retire.
i love both of those!
Who's the enemy queen and king?
I would venture to say there were multiple queens/kings but add LdR and Queen Elizabeth to the list...idk maybe Marina? Those are just the ones we know of.
One of my favorites from back a few years ago. This goes into extreme depth. A ton of research was put into this. Not sure how true some of the stuff is, but you can bet there is a lot of truth to it. It will take some time to read thru it. But it's a great resource of everything out there trying to combine it all.
Good stuff. The rabbit-hole is really deep.
Time line A
Also, outcomes started merging together because the enemy cannot out play God’s chess game.
Are you sure we have the enemy leaders? We fight not only against flesh and blood but against evil spirits and demons, who is the Queen of Darkness?
NCSWIC fren. ?
Check this out.
They were thinking Trump was going to get reelected by what they could have called dictatorial or tyrannical means and the DS could continue, the riots continue, the complete destruction of the USA was the end game. Instead Trump seemed to do really nothing and that was totally by design. Now look what we have a dementia patient and a whore who polled worse than anyone else. These two were never supposed to win. Trump was going to be labeled a dictator but he didn't let that happen. Now the DS is being destroyed. But who is in actual control? The US Military is. Trump handed over power to them probably hours before he left DC to Florida. *Biden in the president of nothing!
Don't forget the "bishops" and their gold.
Can you give a brief description of what PLG is? I've heard the term but don't know. Thank you.
some kind of tech that can show you the outcomes based on all possible inputs
Oh, I see. Thanks.
A lot of people tend to think of it as some super duper high tech machine bordering on being magical, but in my opinion based off a lot of different things I've seen and read, its just a highly advanced AI like the other person said gives you a result based off of an input. One day the bad guys put in an input and didn't get the result they were looking for so they hired a guy to solve the issue and he couldn't figure it out, the result was that we win.
We win, lol. :D
I'm not even making that part up haha they literally hired a specialist to solve a problem with the algorithm and every result came up with the good guys winning.
Yup. God wins.
Hillary Clinton had a looking glass as well. She too had a mindset that she had 'already won'.
until she lost in 2017 :D
Yes. She assumed she had already won, up until she lost. Which is why it is bad to live under assumptions.
PLEASE elaborate, explain your theory because its getting harder not to have doomer thoughts.
God wins friend..
God has already won.
Everyone at the top of evil is toast and have been wiped off the map....dont look to mainstream media for this truth..
More on looking glass: