If it’s overturned and Trump gains his rightful place which we all hope for... it will mean a lot of those people are dead or in jail.... probably including fuck face pence .... so I have to disagree about with this.....
Pence was always the handler for Trump. Luckily Trump knew how to handle the handler. I guess they are now thinking they managed to circumvent it somehow
He was right about plenty of stuff in the past before they happened. The most famous example being his foreknowledge of the 2020 election steal by te deep state.
Real question is what should we do when MSM goes for the cover up/fAcTcHEcK? Most everyone around me besides family is smooth brained af and are tired of hearing about it (libs who stopped caring) and theyll believe anything mainstream. These type of libs only care about something until the inverse is true and thats honestly the biggest issue here
This tweet is illogical. If he participated in the fraud and the election is overturned, he won’t be returning to elected office. If the election is overturned, the people who executed the fraud will be dealing with some major criminal charges.
Good luck with that. If it was true why didn't they just let trump win and remove him after that leaving Pence in place? Would have saved all the red pulling.
Because Pence isn't their first choice. They would rather control Biden to get their agenda done faster. Pence would at least pretend to not be a Rino.
I heard that Codemonkey said that Jonheretohelp and Juan0Savin just had dinner with Simon parks to who is on the phone with the George news team, and if Charlie Ward has wendesday evening off we will all find out the truth about what happened. I mean cmon guys we all know this is the Avengers Team for the apocalypse !!
Question: How can you install a traitor as president when he and all other traitors will be unable to attend said installment? ??? They are so screwed.
Technically he would have legitimately won the 2020 presidency with Trump. Not sure, can he just replace him?
Straight ticket needs to be resolved.. Many unnecessary governors "won" example N.C.
I think they're going to find so much fraud that they must have a new election.
Isn't that why the military is the only way? MSM blackout. Once that happens, who will tell the sheep what to do?
If it is shown that he we part of "The Big Lie" he can and easily be replaced.
No. Trump was acquitted both times. Pence is on the ticket, yes, but [they] can't just replace the winning POTUS candidate without a trial.
If it’s overturned and Trump gains his rightful place which we all hope for... it will mean a lot of those people are dead or in jail.... probably including fuck face pence .... so I have to disagree about with this.....
Pence was always the handler for Trump. Luckily Trump knew how to handle the handler. I guess they are now thinking they managed to circumvent it somehow
I have serious doubts as to Johnheretohelp's validity.
I know Lin "trusts" him, I know the Ryan Dark White story, but he's proven none of his claims. He's larpy as fuck.
The stuff he gave Lin was about things Jon was directly involved in, but his political stuff may be more speculation than fact.
That he says he was involved in.
I don't know. I just find him extremely larpy. Not as larpy as a Mike Adams or a Real Raw News, but larpy never the less.
He was right about plenty of stuff in the past before they happened. The most famous example being his foreknowledge of the 2020 election steal by te deep state.
Come on, everyone knew they'd steal the election...
It would have to be a completely new election because of too much fraud. Trump won't select pence for VP.
Who cares who they try and put in? Fuck them. If biden isnt our potus now, why would pence be?
Why has @johnheretohelp not been suspended or banned?
Real question is what should we do when MSM goes for the cover up/fAcTcHEcK? Most everyone around me besides family is smooth brained af and are tired of hearing about it (libs who stopped caring) and theyll believe anything mainstream. These type of libs only care about something until the inverse is true and thats honestly the biggest issue here
Oh duck no then we split the country. There is no compromise with the corrupt politicians.
This tweet is illogical. If he participated in the fraud and the election is overturned, he won’t be returning to elected office. If the election is overturned, the people who executed the fraud will be dealing with some major criminal charges.
Pence's involvement in the fraud would have to be exposed to everyone.
How can Pence be President when he will be in GITMO?
if the election is overturned a lot of democrats lose most legitimacy, not just biden and kamalah; i dont think this possibility is worth a thought
Good luck with that. If it was true why didn't they just let trump win and remove him after that leaving Pence in place? Would have saved all the red pulling.
Because Pence isn't their first choice. They would rather control Biden to get their agenda done faster. Pence would at least pretend to not be a Rino.
I heard that Codemonkey said that Jonheretohelp and Juan0Savin just had dinner with Simon parks to who is on the phone with the George news team, and if Charlie Ward has wendesday evening off we will all find out the truth about what happened. I mean cmon guys we all know this is the Avengers Team for the apocalypse !!
1st arrest
No. That's fear mongering
The thing is, he was right about alot of stuff in the past, including the election theft.
Question: How can you install a traitor as president when he and all other traitors will be unable to attend said installment? ??? They are so screwed.
Oh hell no!