I was doing some undercover Liberal troll work on Jimmy Kimmel / Fauci YouTube video by sharing an article on Fauci successfully attaching scalps of aborted babies onto rats. My mind was blown at how many people regard government officials as gods.
This is big news right now. The University of Pittsburgh got caught doing experimentation on aborted babies and rats/mice. There are even photos, so be warned -- it's quite Frankensteinian. The local Planned Parenthood was supplying the fetuses. The students are having a protest today. Things should get spicy.
These demons need to be taken out, I'm sick of seeing the obvious evil and people are oblivious and willfully ignorant to it. I know we can't rush things, but come on, things are getting really bad really fast. Will we have to wait the full 4 years?
If Joe had invoked the name of God, 70% of D.C. would have dropped dead on the spot.
"The Power of Christ Compels You."
True. Georgetown.
Large scale proof of spontaneous combustion.
Too bad they didn't do it. It would have gone viral.
It would have been their first video to get more upvotes than downvotes ?
Man can not become God. Many have tried, and many have failed.
it was lucifers original sin. Mormons still think they can become gods. (it is truly a polytheistic religion)
They hate us almost as much as they hate Jesus Christ and love child sex trafficking and shekels.
But Joe is such a good catholic...
Baal and Moloch require sacrifice.
"Do you get it yet?" this is how i end all my red pill sessions xD
My family is almost getting it xD
They are satanic.
They worship satan
Nobody expects them to invoke God, And if they did it would be to scorn Him.
I was doing some undercover Liberal troll work on Jimmy Kimmel / Fauci YouTube video by sharing an article on Fauci successfully attaching scalps of aborted babies onto rats. My mind was blown at how many people regard government officials as gods.
This is big news right now. The University of Pittsburgh got caught doing experimentation on aborted babies and rats/mice. There are even photos, so be warned -- it's quite Frankensteinian. The local Planned Parenthood was supplying the fetuses. The students are having a protest today. Things should get spicy.
I've got you!
These demons need to be taken out, I'm sick of seeing the obvious evil and people are oblivious and willfully ignorant to it. I know we can't rush things, but come on, things are getting really bad really fast. Will we have to wait the full 4 years?
I do get it, and it is a crime.