posted ago by Lupinate ago by Lupinate +76 / -0

This is purely theoretical, but I'm questioning the narrative on the "hack" of the east coast pipeline. Some context as to why:

  1. The administration is anti-fossil fuel
  2. They have been attacking fuel sources with laws for quite some time.
  3. The impact of the low fuel issue is regional, not national. A proper foreign influenced cyber attack on infrastructure would be nation wide.
  4. They are blaming Russia for this, which as we all know is the DS favourite target for anything bad going on in America.
  5. These are DoE controlled infrastructures, and have more regs than probably any other industry. Those who work in oil will know what i mean about this.
  6. Ransomware of this nature would have to hit practically every part of the targeted network, not just a single switch or valve to be effective. If there is this much of a gap in cyber security, the nation (not just a region) would be screwed. It seems more likely this was an inside job if it was ransomware.
  7. The audits are spreading nationally, and this would be a good diversionary tactic for the DS on the face of it.

For a moment, let us presume Biden's admin ordered the closure of an oil pipeline. This would divert attention from the real issues (election security/child trafficking) as it impacts the entire supply line. However, the biden administration cannot be seen to be the cause, as it will backfire immediately. Hence the hack narrative.

However, this argument also presumes biden actually controls things, which i doubt highly. So lets flip it: what if the mil has locked this down? Well lets look at impacts:

  1. Truckers have claimed they cannot deliver food.
  2. Shops and food companies will run out of food within 3 days if disruption continues.
  3. 3 days after the shelves empty, the east coast will have open riots over food shortages.
  4. The east coast has (traditionally) been a fem stronghold.
  5. Florida (pro q) doesnt seem to be impacted by this pipeline from the graphics ive seen, but the rest of the rest of the east coast is. Reasoning: Florida does not have any crude oil refineries or interstate petroleum pipelines.75,76 As a result, the state is reliant on petroleum products delivered to inland terminals by rail, tanker, and barge, and to marine terminals located at Jacksonville, Port Canaveral, Tampa, and other ports in the state. Petroleum products, including residual fuel oil, jet fuel, motor gasoline, low-sulfur distillate, and asphalt, arrive in Florida ports from around the world.77 An intrastate pipeline transports petroleum products from Tampa across central Florida to Orlando.78 source: https://www.eia.gov/state/analysis.php?sid=FL
  6. Fuel prices will be inflated, but only regionally, and mostly in democratic strongholds

So we have in effect three options:

  1. China simps in colonial are responsible and the hack narrative is mostly real. This implies a DS attack via foreign power, seeking to provide causes for the rise in fuel prices post hoc, to hide the real causr (hyper inflation). Dumb move, but thats all they have left to play.
  2. The biden admin is using the hack as a cover to distract from audits outside the east coast and ordered the pipeline to stop supply. I consider this unlikely, but still possible. Again dumb move.
  3. The mil is attacking the biden admin to force a insurrection. This could be to trigger a martial law scenario and punish EC governments with dem control. This creates conditions we have been seeking, and enables the mil to be both saviour eventually, and punisher too.

Keep these in mind as more data evolves this week, but remember what the real stories are.