Seriously, I had an ex-friend who was a bit lefty but was seriously slimming down but then he started dating some super lefty bitch and a year later not only did he go full authoritarian but he now looks like a real-life Peter Griffin with all the weight that he's packed on.
Look at all those strokes and heart attacks waiting to happen.
I know it sounds uncouth, crass, and even a little short sighted and closed minded, but I really hope these COVID shots do what they were intended to do and eliminate the most unhealthy among us. That includes those that blindly follow the current establishment leadership of every political party on the planet. We CANNOT afford to move on as a viable race in this Universe with the current stock in our gene pool. These people are the most unhealthy among us, mind, body, and soul.
I know most of us have family and close friends that have taken that's shots. And I hats too bad. I'd love for my fri nds and family to ALL join us in The Great Awakening and enjoy the fruits of our collectives labors, but it's clear to me now that that's just not possible. We NED a cleaner gene pool, and this seems to be one of the most humane ways to clean it out.
It's sad, really. However, it's what's needed. This is on reason why I believe POTUS45 has pushed the shots like he has. Cl abign our gene pool as bloodless as possible is infinitely better, to me, than a global "hot war."
lol.. the china virus will have to get in line behind morbid obesity, heart attacks and diabetes before it gets a chance to kill these tubs of human goo!
Noticing a sizable pattern here.
quality comment
Maybe even a sizable quality comment.
their favorite phrase.... "SUPERSIZE ME!
Seriously, I had an ex-friend who was a bit lefty but was seriously slimming down but then he started dating some super lefty bitch and a year later not only did he go full authoritarian but he now looks like a real-life Peter Griffin with all the weight that he's packed on.
Dear god my cholesterol went up just looking at this
They all look like they have K-Mart level DNA.
Look at all those strokes and heart attacks waiting to happen.
I know it sounds uncouth, crass, and even a little short sighted and closed minded, but I really hope these COVID shots do what they were intended to do and eliminate the most unhealthy among us. That includes those that blindly follow the current establishment leadership of every political party on the planet. We CANNOT afford to move on as a viable race in this Universe with the current stock in our gene pool. These people are the most unhealthy among us, mind, body, and soul.
I know most of us have family and close friends that have taken that's shots. And I hats too bad. I'd love for my fri nds and family to ALL join us in The Great Awakening and enjoy the fruits of our collectives labors, but it's clear to me now that that's just not possible. We NED a cleaner gene pool, and this seems to be one of the most humane ways to clean it out.
It's sad, really. However, it's what's needed. This is on reason why I believe POTUS45 has pushed the shots like he has. Cl abign our gene pool as bloodless as possible is infinitely better, to me, than a global "hot war."
Morbid? yeah. True? Probably. ? "The ending is not for everyone" takes on deeper meaning. God Help Us.
Well spoken friend
Everything happens for a reason.
Thank goodness for masks!
Do we still use the word "rotund" because holy hamplanet batman
lol.. the china virus will have to get in line behind morbid obesity, heart attacks and diabetes before it gets a chance to kill these tubs of human goo!
I know a guy who is obese, has failing kidneys, and has already shrugged off the coof twice. He doesn't plan on getting the jab either.
Someone needs Keto at
It's a devious plan to get rid of fat people.
WEF: "Look either you all start eating bugs or you get rid of these fatasses who eat too much."
Vaccine or whale harpoon?
They must have heard about the free donuts
I'm going down through all these comments laughing
They're just in it for the free donuts
Was there a hamplanet convention?
Ha, someone picked fat people to show how gross the vaccinated are. Keep your shedding bimbofication bots away from me.