Your message sounds like a seed of doubt. We believe what we do because of research and many coincidences that happen ten fold that it is no longer coincidences. Evil shall be removed. Or already has. Ncswic
Research? What is research compared to the inherent specialness of Fauci, The NYT, MSNBC, CNN, The WP, et. al.? They tell us that these are unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, and we need to take their word for that because they are special.
These people have been right much more than the supposed mainstream sources for information and leadership in at least the last couple years. I give them some credibility as reliable sources for information. After we witnessed the religious like nature of how people responded to the whole covid thing, is it really that far fetched to say a small group of elites is trying to control the world and reshape it to their liking? It almost happened with Covid.
Yep, the top power structures have been taken out. Now what is left are the Roths above them and the useful idiots foot soldiers
People believe that cotton face masks with no face seal will prevent spread of covid. Or that lockdowns lower the death rate.
What’s one more lie, when everything is a lie.
Your message sounds like a seed of doubt. We believe what we do because of research and many coincidences that happen ten fold that it is no longer coincidences. Evil shall be removed. Or already has. Ncswic
Research? What is research compared to the inherent specialness of Fauci, The NYT, MSNBC, CNN, The WP, et. al.? They tell us that these are unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, and we need to take their word for that because they are special.
Nice screen name, handshake. What is the meaning? Let me guess, you speak for those who have given their souls over to evil? Go away shill.
Joe, it's - "Come On Man" . . . . or did you forget, again?
These people have been right much more than the supposed mainstream sources for information and leadership in at least the last couple years. I give them some credibility as reliable sources for information. After we witnessed the religious like nature of how people responded to the whole covid thing, is it really that far fetched to say a small group of elites is trying to control the world and reshape it to their liking? It almost happened with Covid.