It will be the fashion statement of the future. A joy to behold. Keeping the head quite warm and protecting from the radiation transmitted from the mutated chimera vaccinated beings.
Stand on the hill with me brothers, forget not thy hat of foil and thy towel!
Even if this weren't a spoof, yes, they're really being this ridiculous talking from their asses while holding their fingers in their ears. Like "Dude, did you just hear yourself?"...
And those left standing all had tinfoil helmets. (Future scifi show).
Wouldn’t it be too ironic if the tinfoil hats could protect us from 5G?!
I wasn’t gonna write it...but YEAH!!!
It will be the fashion statement of the future. A joy to behold. Keeping the head quite warm and protecting from the radiation transmitted from the mutated chimera vaccinated beings.
Got my hat and towel. I'm ready.
Don't forget to keep your thumbs very limber... ?
The mrna haxxine is as totally safe as smoking was in the '40s, cuz science.
That picture is of a different T-Zone than I learned in sniper school.
I only have one thing to say. American Cancer Society
Even if this weren't a spoof, yes, they're really being this ridiculous talking from their asses while holding their fingers in their ears. Like "Dude, did you just hear yourself?"...
They won't take their own shot. ~ TGP
Again? Y'all been taking yours off?
Flair checks out
Have never put one on
tinfoil doesn't do shit, real conspiracy theorists use copper wool ;)
No, hey, it's dif-rint this time . . .
Would be great with some examples. These types of memes don't redpill anyone.