Another source(have quotet them before, they haven't been wrong so far in the last 26 years...) addressing RealRawNews claim about Amy Comey Barret being under house arrest(she isn't) had this to say:
These rumors arise because the Junta is preparing to overturn the 2020 election, announcing to the world that they had proof of election fraud in hand since the election occurred on November 3, 2020. As is patently clear, the US Military has never acknowledged a Biden Presidency, and with the use of Doubles a Biden Presidency has just been a well-orchestrated movie. President Trump never left office because the Insurrection Act was invoked on January 11, 2021 – ahead of any swearing in of Biden. Congress is not in session or in power under Martial Law, thus the inauguration was invalid.
The Junta has been dealing with multiple war fronts, The CCP was attempting to physically invade the US, and were in the tunnels under the White House. The war against Moloch worship using the torture of small children for their Adrenochrome rich blood is still in its mopping up phase. The Soros funded Antifa riots and Defund the Police movements are still being prosecuted. The Junta had been hoping that the 2020 audits being done in the Swing States that were key in 2020 would prove the Biden Presidency illegitimate, but this is a slow process. Thus the Junta is preparing an alternative approach.
Real Raw News = fake.
Fake and Gay
Real Raw News is likely fan fiction, but that report of Hillary's hanging was DEVINE. And the one where they showed Comey her dead body... MMMMmmm a work of art! I love reading that site!
Ran 'Real Raw News' through Gematrica and the results were, interesting.....
For those not familiar with the Judges:
Judges were one of the most legit accounts on twatter, they have an in with a lot of high-ranking people(look at military presence on their followers list, also some other 'notables'...) and are consistently ahead of the game in regard to what is happening........
Their original twitter account was taken down after numerous failed attempts by twitter to remove it(judges claiming they had India on speed dial, with outsourcing of servers and what not the people physically running the servers...).
They were back on with a new account within literally a couple of days but that account got nuked a while ago..
They are on GAB as Which is the name of the original donated account that was taken down so there should be stuff there that predates the THEREALTRDJ twitter account.
Some say they are some of the Gitmo judges, some say they are connected to them, could be a gitmo judge connected intelligence team(most likely).
I do keep noticing military planes with Judge and a number callsigns.......(virtually all of them are executive jets or similar aircraft used for intelligence gathering and high level personnel transportation)..
I was very skeptical of them when they first started - about 3 years ago? Their messaging seems to make more sense now. Are they tied to @TS_SCI_MAJESTIC12?
Who they are tied to is best discerned from their posts and I don't think that connection has ever come up...
Some say GTMO, but those would be MIL judges and under NDA and security clearance regulations at extremely high levels.
Sidenote: The CO of GTMO was recently found guilty on 6 charges relating to the investigation:
"Think 2020_P election +1"
You found it.....
Don't have any idea who your second, unnamed, source is, but it is not the first time I have heard rumors of the military considering taking some kind of decisive action in the (relatively) near future because the audits, while optimal, are just taking too long. Hope it is true; it would be a great relief to know the military actually is in control and the Biden "presidency" is in fact just a (really bad) movie.
Trump already won. No re-election. Trump takes office
I'm inclined to agree but how much do you tell people and what are the likely reactions resulting from it.
Exposing wide scale election fraud and a new election is one thing, saying that the military and Trump stayed in power can be taken as them seizing control and that is an entirely different level of hornets nest...
I had a thought about the whole situation. Some votes were counted, some were lost, we know the names of legitimate voters, but we do not know which voters had their votes counted and which were stolen. It is possible that this cannot be determined. Then obviously some people have been deprived of their civil right to vote and the only way to correct that is for everyone to have a chance to vote again.
I believe this. This is what I think has been going on.
Don't hold your breath
Let me try a puff of that Hopium.
Ahhh... nice flavor, but feels a little too good to be true.
What so the Dems can have another chance to cheat but better the second time around? No, cheaters forfeit not get a second chance
Aime.explanation Nd true.
You know, everyone of your posts, Ivan, is full of negativity. Maybe you’re on the wrong forums. Go back to Reddit.
Perhaps you couldn't be more fake. Perhaps.