Made me laugh
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That'll do it.
Changed: Solid to a Liquid.
Haha nice one! If they spelled sexuality correctly I’d share it.
Now you're just being racist LOL
There's Waldo! With his boogerhook on the bang switch too.
Changed it.
People: Where's Waldo?
Waldo: Sniping pedos, bizniches
God bless, frens. In Jesus name, amen.
No...Just No. this meme template was literally made by some commie antifa kid on reddit for the sole purpose of mocking the patriot Steve Crowder.
Read the commies on that thread making comments like "who wouldn't want to shoot Steve Crowder".
"The change my mind guy" is Steve Crowder.
This dumbass meme was originally posted here ( with the same retarded spelling.
Steve Crowder is a patriot with more brains than anyone that is dumb enough to not understand how completely subversive this meme is.
Dont spread this shit ffs.
Here is Crowder doing what he does best:
So, now it's turned on them
Thats not what this is.
This meme is subversive.
It is 100% implying that Steve Crowder is defending pedos, and counting on the cheerleading types that lack critical thinking skills to rah-rah this shit with upvotes.
This one isn't Crowder though, just some random pedo. Calm down lol.
Yawn... if you want to take it to that level of absurd, then its actually a cartoon drawing. So its not a random anyone.
The cartoon caricature is 100% meant to be mocking Steve Crowder. Just like political caricatures in newspapers.
Its easy to prove for yourself if you actually check the original reddit thread where this meme came from:
While I agree this is a Crowder shtick its one that has been copied by plenty of other people. The idea some lame as pedo stole Crowder's idea and got what he deserves is perfect. No sane person looking at this believes they guy with his brains splattered all over the grass is Crowder himself.
Did you see the reddit thread where this meme came from? Every commie on there can see its obviously meant to be Crowder.
Yet so many here cant figure it out.
OK. Your first mistake is caring what anyone says on Reddit. Its cancer. 2nd I agree that the template was meant to be Crowder. That is the beauty of it. We hijacked their lame meme and turn it against them. No sane person believes Crowder is a pedo thus the person being shot has to be a leftist copycat. I know its probability a mistake to believe leftists are sane or smart enough to work out that its not Crowder its one of them, but that just gives us one more reason to laugh at them. They're too stupid to work out that the joke is on them.
Whoever made this can't even spell.
You are either giving them too much credit...or are suffering from wishful thinking. Or both
Who cares. The point is made. Not everyone watches crowder...
I wasn't aware of the link to Crowder so just saw it as a dead pedo which made me smile. I actually have a lot of time for Mr Mug club.
Go and watch his videos. He exposes Antifa bullshit on the regular and takes the fight to the street...right to their cowardly masked faces.
When the commies get schooled by him, they retreat to their safespace (reddit) and bitch/moan/meme to soothe their fragile egos.
Go and read the comments on the original reddit thread I pasted. The antifa kids all know its Steve Crowder, but some people here just upvote shit first, then ask questions later (if at all).
Who cares about controlled op crowder.