I know Q said we’re watching a movie and I hear people saying that the swamp creatures have already been put away and we are watching actors playing their part in order to wake people up. I can’t help but to think if this is true wouldn’t the normies just be more pissed off when they realize they have been duped
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The brain-washed are going to have a rough go. Their whole world was a lie. They believed the MSM.
I believe many will be pissed no matter what and they are choosing to spend their lives being bitter and angry and self righteous. People I have known my entire life seem to have gone over the deep end and appear to be staying there.
What was your reaction when you first found out or figured out what was really going on?
I was cool with it because I’m a conservative Trump supporter
I was always a gov't skeptic, but I first started to realize how blatant and serious the Deep State corruption was during the Dem primary season before the 2016 election. It became clear to anyone with a brain that the NYT especially, and other MSM, were trying to stifle all news of Bernie and his wildly enthusiastic crowds, and were pushing a pre-ordained Hillary on the Dems. That woke up and pissed off a lot of Bernie Bros. In fact, without the Bernie Bros who voted for Trump, Trump might not have won. It has been shown that in several key states, the Bernie-Bro-for-Trump vote was larger than Trump's margin of victory. After that, there was pizzagate and the reveal of child trafficking and abuse (and worse). And then there have been more and more revelations springing from that. All in all, it's been a years-long process of seeing what's really going on. I think it would have been a real stretch for me to accept EVERYTHING right at the beginning. It would have just seemed insane to me if you told me how bad things really were all at once. The way things unfolded for me, it was one red pill at a time. But even then you had to be willing to open your eyes and do your own research and find out for yourself what is probably true and what isn't. A lot of sheeple these days for whatever reason just don't want to do the digging or listen to people who are researching and telling them what's really going on. There's a lot of people in this world who don't have much courage. Patriots/Anons do and the BlueAnons don't. At least that's how it seems to me.
It took me a few months, frantically searching for legit news sources, grasping for truth. Each month I'd get a new mind-blowing revelation as I levelled up and was able to de-stress using the newfound hope. Each time was exciting with the discovery, followed by some depression that I had less people to share it with. It was very nice to find this site, to feel less crazy and share the digital ?.
In order to wake up they will need humility. I do worry suicide weekend could be in reference to the normies whose world is shattered and their entire life was lie. The ones who have dismissed conspiracies and were arrogant about it. I fear for those people. Asleep but otherwise decent people ..
I think this part involved seeing the videos and photos of pedophilia.
So Q is implying that we’re in a simulation?
I won't be surprised if there's a simple normie story of Trump being reinstated, and the entirety of Q remains in the shadows, with the cabal, potential WW3, and forced resignations being undisclosed. Like McCain's execution on a bigger scale. We know, but if you tell the stranger next to you on the bus, they'll think your crazy. I hope not, but it's occurred to me more than once.
I hope not, too. After all, eventually somebody needs to answer the question: "Where's Hillary?"
Hopefully it happens in our lifetimes.