I read this on another thread today: https://archive.is/t8XCq. Read it fully, then come back here.
So... That sounds terrible, doesn't it? The great reset in progress? No one under 40 able to own a home? Serfs everywhere? Sounds like hell on earth. But remember - God wins. So lets try and reconcile this with everything else happening on the financial battlefront.
To me this is amazingly good news. Granted, I am in a rare circumstance. I already have a house with no mortgage at under 40, a good paying job, and plenty of savings to play with at the moment. That said, i have been preparing for a fiscal madhouse for more than a decade, and try to stay frugal even though i could afford not to be. I dont work in financial institutions, and can afford to be a sole breadwinner for my household too.
However, for everyone else not in my situation, this is an opportunity and a half. You need to remember:
- financial markets are connected to the hilt today globally, and when one falls down the rest quake and tremble.
- pension funds and the like need to stay afloat to give the older generations something to pass onto their kids, but they are not immune to the chaos either. There are billions in that market.
- the markets are about to have a crisis due to mass malfeasance through FED supported agencies, inflation, and the ongoing lawfare around the globe.
- the "corporation" (USA corp) is dead and being propped up like a scene from "Weekend at Bernie's", so this is just the body of said entity doing the final, pant sh_tting activities.
- these institutions have been engaging in "naked shorts" in both the stock and comex markets.
For those still under a rock, that last bullet point is the most important, so ill expand on it. That is where a company puts long term sell orders for shares in a company, specifically with shares that they don't actually own. Not only is such activity highly illegal, it also is a huge risk to take.
To go into laymen analogies on this - think about "The Producers" film/play. They sell more shares in the production company than existed because "we can make more money from a flop". Then it becomes a comedy smash success, and sends the producers to jail.
This is the same plot for GME and AMC right now, and has been the plot for Silver for decades. The Hedge funds have placed bets with more stocks than actually exist that both of those companies will flop. However, some bright sparks on reddit (i know, oxymoron, but amazingly they do exist) saw the activity, did some calculations, and saw the opportunity to buy low and HOLD HOLD HOLD. This is going to cause the stock price to skyrocket as all the real shares get bought with no one willing to sell them for chicken feed.
Hedges have a grace period and can shuffle the data around, but that is a delay move. Eventually they have to settle the bill. When they do, they will have to sell off the assets they have to pay their losses. These companies keep the stock prices of big companies afloat, but a forced sell off will drop those prices instead of the shorted ones.
Now, for the tactical plan and my theory
Here is my theory on all this - the real reason hedge funds are buying property up (besides showing alignment to the great reset) is they also need hard assets to cover their impending insane losses on the stock markets. Once that breaks, they will be forced to sell said property and assets fast to stay afloat. That won't save them (or thr other stocks they own), however, because this will be a "one two" punch once silver shorting is shown for all to see.
This is why GME and the silverbacks are soooo crucial to breaking their hold. Once the GME short fails and the squeeze sends that to the moon, the next casualty will be physical metal shorts. That bastard of a scheme has been ongoing for decades, and has very similar mechanisms to the GME short.
If you want to do something to help the fight:
- watch the markets,
- buy GME/AMC and physical metals, especially silver (and gold if you can).
- Make sure you have "diamond hands" with a high level exit strategy, and don't sell too early.
- Be sure to put all your fiat gains from gme quickly into real things too (property, physical metal, etc). Gold if you can afford it, but silver is just as good (if not better for gains) if you can't.
- once GME looks like it is taking off, short recognised brands at high value. Key targets: Blackrock & Citadel owned stocks (cant hit citadel directly, but blackrock seems to be a publicly traded company) ,
- i would consider shorting also Amazon, Twitter, FB, and Google too. Some big corps like Coke maybe good targets, but the others will start to collapse hard when the SHTF moment hits.
You dont have to do all of these, but if you do even a few, you will be doing ball busting hits to the cabal families ,and probably guarantee big bankers will take a risk at trying to defy gravity to avoid the wrath that will come to them. The more people in this game, the more they will feel the real pain coming.
I am telling y'all this knowing it will make it harder for me to benefit personally off the coming fiscal storm, as I'm still dumping whatever cash i can spare into silver and gold, and had the missus to extend her limited portfolio into GME. Like i said earlier, I am already in a good place and have some youth left too. So to be a good & God-fearing man, it is time for me to share this, now that i van clearly see the players and their games.
The white hats have dropped breadcrumbs for us to follow. Its up to us now to checkmate the financial institutions into oblivion. WWG1WGAWW
Blackrock is long on GME. When it moons they will make gazillions.
They may rub shoulders at the orgies (vomits)... but they are the enemy of citadel in this particular battle.
I heard firms like black rock are ultimately liable once smaller hedge funds default.
Bingo! They have to cover the losses and the bigger hedges and the banks habe ties inyo all of them. They are all interconnected, and that structure of centralised activity will also be the biggest gap in their armour. You find one hole like GME, and the whole lot will collapse.
Without that armour in play, banks will be exposed. And they are the ones shorting the silver markets heavier than anyone. Forget moonshot, think heliospheric orbital exit.
OK ... help me out here. This is the part of this drama that I'm not getting. People keep saying that somehow BLACKROCK is on the hook for CITADELs losses?
How is that? What I mean is, where is that published? I have looked and I could not find a single shred of evidence that anyone but the 'under-writing' agency(s) - which I'm pretty sure is not Blackrock, are on the hook for losses by shorts.
NOW ... if Blackrock (or any bank), is on the hook for the shorts, and Blackrock has GME shares enough in their treasure chest to cover the hedges, they can just 'lend' or donate' those shares to CITADEL (and the other hedges), to cover their positions. This prevents any of those fucks from going bankrupt, and now Blackrock pretty much owns the Hedges AND their 'under-writers' - BOTH. Blackrock cannot lose. The Hedges return the shares, but now they and their 'insurers' are beholden to Blackrock forever. Now the problem is the shares "in excess of float". What then? What do APES do if someone steps in to save the Hedges with positions enough to cover the 'well-connected' shorts?
This is going to be the biggest game of high stakes chicken ever played. Ever.
It has to do with whose money is on the line, and you are kind of looking at this backwards.
Citadel owns some shares in blackrock, but by comparison blackrock is just a pseudo subsidiary for vanguard. That one owns a serious stake. If citadel falls, they will have to sell everything to pay back their deficits. That will impact blackrock, which will impact vanguard. Citadel is 100% private, so its not traded. You can only ahort its holdings to hurt it, hence why you should look to short blackrock (and possibly vanguard as well) when the moonshot happens.
Another point is a hedge must stay relatively low risk to be viable as a hedge. Owning every element in a market like this as it is now is high risk in the extreme. Thats why vangaurd and blackrock are actually rapidly becoming high risk.
Also, blackrock doesn't have enough in the way of shares to cover citadel and the rest of the short sellers if it were to come to that. No one entity does, not even GME staff. Thats why its a serious "naked short" and so important.
This is a game of poker where the house showed its hand was an ace high pup, and is still playing like it has a royal flush.
After I posted this, I found this on one of the other threads. I really am trying to understand this whole relationship. Its crazy, it's got to be illegal, never mind immoral and unamerican. The bastards need serious jail time.
Of course it is illegal. But that's the thing about illegal and legal. TooL expressed it best:
If consequences dictate a course of action, then it doesn't matter what's right. It's only wrong if you get caught.
Remind me... who owns them both?
Ken Griffin leads citadel, larry fink leads blackrock, both of these puppets are owned by the cabal families, guaranteed.
Remember, what we see on the surface is but a veneer.
You say that, but they have been selling their holdings compared to last year (down almost 20%). They also had a ten percent stake in GME, but the numbers make no sense compared to other data i read on the issue on stock volumes. Couple this with close chinese ties and the lawfare ongoing against China itself, i dont see them coming out positively.
I would not be surprised if they try to dump it to flatten the moonshot as a final check. It wont work, it will just delay things, but that is my expectation.
Interesting idea. Yes a lot of this makes no sense externally. And they are definitely both part of the cabal. But these billionaire HF types would stab each other in the back without thinking. Guess We will find out soon enough
After GME moons I personally won't be going anywhere near the stock market ever again.
After the moonshot, im cashing out all stonks we have, and dumping it onto physical silver and gold. Use the gain to inflict deeper pain.
BR has moved some of their GME holdings into ETFs. They haven't sold in the traditional sense.
Why this post isn’t perma stickied is beyond me. Literal gold mine here. This topic is not discussed enough as it is a key to cabal takedown. Sounds like the top cabal members trying to take themselves to the moon first. I mean physically.
Amazing info. Thank you!!!
More than welcome fren, fight the powers that should not be as hard as you can!
Been watching GME since it first came out in December. Feel like I missed the train. I don’t know much about it but at $350 a share right now, is it still worth it?
It will go up to xxx,xxx at bare minimum. With a very good chance of reaching Multi millions
$350 is still cheap. Remember 1 share could be in the $1000 range soon.
Are you purchasing physical silver Nd gold? If you purchase paper silver and gold how do you benefit of it collapses? Will it payout?
I have a fair amount of gold and silver. What do you think it's going to be worth when the bubble burst?
Gold shorts are a decade old, tops. Silver is about 5 times as long a scheme on the shorting front. Government stockpiles were being used to cover the gap but have probably been dried up now. Duane said it would be circa 2020 when governments run out of silver. Now its anyone's guess how much is left.
The real supply is dwindling and mining/reclamation isnt enough to cover manufacturing demands, let alone investment pressures en masse.
Only physical, the paper shit is how they manipulate it.
Silver was predicted at 720x growth by mr. Duane the biggest silverback i know. Sold his house twice on silver and bought it back each time by playing that market. Its been my hedge solution for a financial collapse scenario for over a decade now.
Great summary. This should get a sticky. I'm balls deep in GME and got about 150 oz of silver.
Commenting to read later
When referring to Blackrock, what financial assets belong to them vs. investors in their funds?
I don't understand how much of Blackrock's assets and its actions are of its own vs. of fund investors tied to the fund's prospectus. Therefore, when we see Blackrock owns GME, how much of it belongs to them vs. belongs to the investor in-trust? And are both subject to the same liabilities that Blackrock may encounter?
P.S. Great write-up!
Good questions, would probably need insider info on this. Someone call project veritas!
I’ll say 2 things:
GameStop has not been tied into the Q plan with any amount of certainty.
GameStop is still a pretty good play if you understand that the hedge funds have to unwind the knot they tied by selling fake shares. I believe a gentleman from Texas compared it to Xeroxing a car title a 100 times for 1 physical car. In this case, all Xerox copies need to be bought to balance the books. However, shorting other large companies like Amazon and Google is dangerous. In fact, that’s what the got the hedge funds into trouble (shorting stocks). I recommend that most investors pick their winners and invest in those stocks instead of betting against any particular stock. And not to be labeled lame, but pretty much the best autopilot way to invest is dollar cost averaging into low fee ETF/INDEX funds that track the market like VFIAX, VTSAX, VOO, SPY.
Shall we play a game? [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming NCSWIC
Isn’t the question from War Games? I think it is more of a challenge to the deep state where no matter what they do, it always comes out the same, just like tic tac toe and mutually assured destruction from the movie War Games.
I’m not saying that GME is definitely out of the question, but that there hasn’t been anything conclusive to it being part of the plan.
I wouldn't be surprised if military or some kind of Op is behind GameStop. GameStop's history and how they structured their balance sheet throughout the past 10 or so years makes perfect sense to be 'bait' for the enemies.
If the hedgies and the enemy are part of the camp, then this strategy is a brilliant real world warfare tactic being played out if ends how we hope it ends.
Oh, believe me, I’m all for bankrupting the FED.
This is where I see it different in terms of invest. I am not a finance guy. I am a software engineer and a digital marketer.
The best way to set yourself in terms of money. Is to invest in yourself to create your own product / service.
Right now I am building a project management app. Yes. there are tons out there. But we will be the first customer of the system.
Our goal is have 1000 people pay up roughly 97 per month to use the app and it's various services.
Doing something for a customer is a better bet in my view. Playing stocks, bitcoin, etc.
It nothing but a gamble.
Good call, self investment os the best way to achieve a route to fiscal and self sustainability.
My God says above all things He wishes His people to prosper and be in Health even as our souls prosper.
There is nothing on earth that can stop that IF we believe it.