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The company that made ZYCLON-B the gas that killed so many in concentration camps was IG FARBEN, they changed their name to.......MODERNA.
I get so frustrated with the muh nazis posts here. The holocaust was a lie, plain and simple. We all claim to be red pilled and know the truth, but yet keep regurgitating the biggest lie of them all. As if brainwashing propaganda in schools started with critical race theory. Why is there so many holocaust movies and no holodomor movies? The holodomor.. the actually real documented event where bolshevic jews starved millions of Ukrainians on purpose. Look it up if you've come across this post. Even better, type holodomor into your text box and watch as spell check tries to correct you. They don't even recognize it as a word, let alone the largest genocide in the 20th century.
To know who your rulers are, ask who you are not allowed to criticize.
Fucking Donmeh (look up the term - redpill).
I was just thinking about that. Why don’t we hear about holodomer. Your absolutely right.
This line of thinking is what shattered my entire worldview and belief system.
Watch Asha Logos video on the Bolshevik Revolution. Bitchute.
I'd upvote you and Teflon a million times if I could. You're doing God's work spreading the TRUTH. Keep it up Saints ?
Most have been redpilled within the last year. Barely scratching the surface of 911 or Vegas massacre. Your comment is of veteran status. They will get there. Well, some will.
I want to say the whole zyklon-b and the "gas chambers" thing was actually a deal where the gas chambers were in reality showers and the zyklon-b was being used to treat the prisoners clothes due to a massive lice infestation. The mass graves where real genocide took place are in Russia and those genocides were christians if I recall correctly.
I've heard of this documentary... Thanks for reminding me to check it out!
Watch movie Mr Jones...excellent movie on the Holodomor
Also,shows how crooked the NYT was back then..somethings never change
Perfectly chosen name for the documentary imo.
Especially since we are living in the Weimar of the 21st Century.
shut this down this goyim knows
... and they found a more effective way to kill people, but this time with an mRNA vaccine and lies.
Huh, I wonder if that's who supplied China?
You just blew my mind. These people are pure evil!