Stalin was a well funded puppet of someone. I'm not sure who yet.
But Nicolas wasn't ready for the world stage when it was given to him.
Famine, War, and the uprising of communism lead by a demand for change because of the growing wealth gap is what lead to the family's ultimate demise.
It's a really sad story about the fall of the house of Romanov.
But I know the spearhead Stalin was funded and paid for. Buy who, like I said, not sure yet. This was also at the turn of the 20th century. When the global banking system was really coming into fruition. Which is also when a whole load of wars were being fought between loads of different countries.
It really seems war is the enemy's favorite tool to institute and user forth more financial and economic control over the countries of the world.
It seems it starts off with the injection of false propaganda from all sides to stir up people's emotions so as to condition and garner acceptance for the NEED for war, and then the war itself, which in the process kills many lines the pockets even more of the people really pulling the strings, and in the end, resolutions are either formed or have been established in the process of war, that end up giving even more power to the global banking institutions, such as "The Victory Tax" which is the grandfather of today's "Federal Income Tax" which is completely unconstitutional, but was instituted originally to gain financial support to help end Hitler. In WWII.
The Rothschilds are an old family that came to prominence by profiting off of the napoleonic wars between france and england if my memory serves me right. So it wouldn't surprise me a bit if they had something to do with Russia's Last Czar and his family dying.
But I don't know that for sure, so I cannot say. But this business with The CCP and the Global Bankers makes a whole lot of sense.
This post was a good one, and I'm going to be digging into links between the CCP, Crown Corp, Rothschilds, and Vatican. Because I bet more than anything they have all been in bed together for quite some time now. Toppling opposition through subversion and false narritives.
I read a book on the last days of the Romanovs earlier this year and it is a tragic tale. You are right in that Nicholas was not ready for the world stage but it was thrust upon him at the death of his father. His relationship with his family is very touching
it was obvious he loved them very much, and while his track record as a leader was not good, that does not justify the murder of him and his family.
It was a very strange time but in many ways, there are a lot of echoes of that history playing out right now. The intermarriage of the heads of the different states for power reminded me a great deal of how many high ranking government officials are married to media figures to control communications. The St. Petersburg crowd and the bubble they lived in is similar to DC/NY/LA/SV bubble and their narcissistic tendencies. The sheer hatred they had for Alexandra reminds me of Trump - she was raised British but both had German backgrounds. Way too much money in the hands of a few. Bolshiveks were violent people - look at Antifa. It was a little eye opening.
If you take the line , refered to as the political spectrum, and connect it to form a loop.... what you see is that nazism and communism are one in the same...
Quote from the most decorated US Marine Corps general in history, Smedley Butler:
"War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses."
Did Rothchilds use the Bolsheviks (commies) to take out the Romanovs?
Seems highly likely.
When I first heard this theory a couple years ago, I thought: elite bankers controlling communist China? No way.
Today, I find this completely believable.
World Bank and the IMF financed the rise of China
It's Public Record
And they live on Central Park West in NYC.
Eyes open
The cabal has no political affiliation. They will use whichever party and whomever in any party who can enrich them.
They do believe in 1 god above everything. My God is represented by a crucifix. Their God is represented by $$$$.
Rothschild are the bolsheviks.
Nobody knows history here? Wtf
Stalin was a well funded puppet of someone. I'm not sure who yet.
But Nicolas wasn't ready for the world stage when it was given to him.
Famine, War, and the uprising of communism lead by a demand for change because of the growing wealth gap is what lead to the family's ultimate demise.
It's a really sad story about the fall of the house of Romanov.
But I know the spearhead Stalin was funded and paid for. Buy who, like I said, not sure yet. This was also at the turn of the 20th century. When the global banking system was really coming into fruition. Which is also when a whole load of wars were being fought between loads of different countries.
It really seems war is the enemy's favorite tool to institute and user forth more financial and economic control over the countries of the world.
It seems it starts off with the injection of false propaganda from all sides to stir up people's emotions so as to condition and garner acceptance for the NEED for war, and then the war itself, which in the process kills many lines the pockets even more of the people really pulling the strings, and in the end, resolutions are either formed or have been established in the process of war, that end up giving even more power to the global banking institutions, such as "The Victory Tax" which is the grandfather of today's "Federal Income Tax" which is completely unconstitutional, but was instituted originally to gain financial support to help end Hitler. In WWII.
The Rothschilds are an old family that came to prominence by profiting off of the napoleonic wars between france and england if my memory serves me right. So it wouldn't surprise me a bit if they had something to do with Russia's Last Czar and his family dying.
But I don't know that for sure, so I cannot say. But this business with The CCP and the Global Bankers makes a whole lot of sense.
This post was a good one, and I'm going to be digging into links between the CCP, Crown Corp, Rothschilds, and Vatican. Because I bet more than anything they have all been in bed together for quite some time now. Toppling opposition through subversion and false narritives.
I read a book on the last days of the Romanovs earlier this year and it is a tragic tale. You are right in that Nicholas was not ready for the world stage but it was thrust upon him at the death of his father. His relationship with his family is very touching
It was a very strange time but in many ways, there are a lot of echoes of that history playing out right now. The intermarriage of the heads of the different states for power reminded me a great deal of how many high ranking government officials are married to media figures to control communications. The St. Petersburg crowd and the bubble they lived in is similar to DC/NY/LA/SV bubble and their narcissistic tendencies. The sheer hatred they had for Alexandra reminds me of Trump - she was raised British but both had German backgrounds. Way too much money in the hands of a few. Bolshiveks were violent people - look at Antifa. It was a little eye opening.
If you take the line , refered to as the political spectrum, and connect it to form a loop.... what you see is that nazism and communism are one in the same...
The "Iran" of the far-east
Nazis fought the commies fool.
Quote from the most decorated US Marine Corps general in history, Smedley Butler: "War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses."
Smedley was asked by Prescott Bush to take 500k American veterans and take over Washington d.c.
All for show