Per Amazon, its a smash hit, but slightly back on the best sellers list.
Best Sellers Rank:
#1,207,718 in Books,
#3,180 in Political Conservatism & Liberalism,
#3,487 in Political Commentary & Opinion,
#4,510 in Deals in Books.
That means there are currently 1, 207, 717 books selling better than Mitt’s book. Over priced at $1.00. I would wait until they are tossed in the dumpster and then pick one up for the toilet paper value.
Lol I was going to comment "I wouldn't wipe my ass with pages from that book"
Shit Romney
Hey in the event of a shortage. People will take what they can get.
Might be ok for starting a campfire. S'mores anyone?
Ya never know, there could be another tp shortage.
Hell, maybe if they paid me a buck a book I would take it off their hands and drop it in the dump where it belongs...ha
That poor paper!
Hmm yes you are correct, they would have to give ME way more than a dollar to take that book and walk it to the trash as soon as I got home.
I like to buy shit like this for my buddies. The look on their faces is so worth the $1.
Darth Maul looking like the demon behind the Romney mask.
Wait for the movie. ???
$1 doesn’t cover publishing costs. Next up: Parmesan painting with Mitts.
Is it two-ply?
Book deal
Lol they'd have to pay me to take that book.
Lol Darth Maul would make a better politician than most shit bags we have in office currently
Treason -> Gitmo -> conviction -> firing squad
I dont think Mitt cares unfortunately. These book deal bribes have already been paid for in full, and chances are it's written by ghost writers.
They dont care if not even a single copy sells, the deed is done.
Is that like fancy toilet paper? Tear a sheet out and say, no apologies.....wiiiiipe. Flush those Romney’s!
Per Amazon, its a smash hit, but slightly back on the best sellers list.
Best Sellers Rank:
#1,207,718 in Books, #3,180 in Political Conservatism & Liberalism, #3,487 in Political Commentary & Opinion, #4,510 in Deals in Books.
That means there are currently 1, 207, 717 books selling better than Mitt’s book. Over priced at $1.00. I would wait until they are tossed in the dumpster and then pick one up for the toilet paper value.
If this isn't prime evidence that book deals are payoffs, I don't know what is.
Seriously, who goes in and thinks 'oh, it's 1$, I'll check this book out'?