Russian Sci-fi is about the only thing you can watch without seeing this LGBT crap. Some of the Korean and Japanese stuff is okay, but most of it doesn't have English translations.
The last few EP of Batwoman were so cringey its not even funny. White cop shoots black man bleh.
I got rid of the TV a few years ago. It wasn't worth paying the satellite bill for as little as we would actually watch. And then the DVR broke, and the company said that I would have to pay to get it fixed, even though it belonged to the company. I told them on the phone to discontinue my service as of that minute.
I don't do anything for a living. I went John Galt almost 17 years ago. The place I worked for until "retirement" is a conservative law firm and would never go for that crap.
As far as I know, there are no alphabet people living in my neighborhood.
All you pride idiots, get this straight: nobody f-king cares. Literally. You're something like. 04% of the population. You showing your asses in everyone's faces all the time (especially the more flamboyant and eccentric of you), just pisses everyone off, making people care even less.
Do what you do, in your own rooms, and keep it to yourselves, like hetero's do, and stop asking for special treatment. Nobody f-king cares. ??
"Pride" over what one does with its reproductive organs is pure idiocy, and is a clear sign of stupidity. Being MILITANT about where you put your weiner or vajayjay is totally ridiculous. Shut up, assholes! We couldn't be less interested in your warped perception of sexuality. Just like you would rail against us regular folks shoving our natural sexual proclivities -- umm -- down your throat, as it were. Kek
They don’t believe in it. They think bi folks are confused. The irony is that gays want everyone to accept them as they are, however, that agreement is not reciprocal.
It’s the opposite. They believe Bisexuals are really gay and are not committed to their gayness. Their “confusion” and lack of “commitment” annoys them.
Denied dental care in Cali last Tuesday because I politely asked that the gay pride propaganda poster be removed from the wall of the treatment room or covered (it was the ONLY posted image on the wall) before my 10 year old child was admitted. The hygienist removed the poster and began treatment. Office manager caught wind of the request and canceled our apt - kicked us out.
What happened to a picture of a tooth with proper brushing tips or a furry animal or something? This was a childrens only dental office. Sick.
I don't care for people whose whole identity centers on their sexuality.
I agree with Dr. Ron Paul's sentiments that the policy of 'Don't ask, don't tell' would be great if it applied to everyone across the board. I don't want to hear about anyone's sex life/preferences.
Also brings to mind, my 6th grade grandson plays the trumpet in band. He is required to wear a mask with a slit during practice AND a mask on the end of the horn.
Yes it does! It does muffle the sound while learning I suppose. 2 more days of school here in Inslee's WA state and the poor kid's masks will come off forever.
OMG. Just put a freaking mute on it - it would probably work better if it was actually a real problem!
Speaking of face diapers, I was picking a card out for my dad yesterday for Father's Day (or are we renaming it Chromosome Donor Day? I haven't been keeping up.) Anyway, the plethora of mask theme cards made me want to puke. So lame...
Don't watch TV. The only place I see any of that crap now is when someone here talks about it.
Same. In the Seattle area I’ll see a pride flag but for the most part if you don’t watch TV or go on social media you’ll be free from it.
Russian Sci-fi is about the only thing you can watch without seeing this LGBT crap. Some of the Korean and Japanese stuff is okay, but most of it doesn't have English translations.
The last few EP of Batwoman were so cringey its not even funny. White cop shoots black man bleh.
I got rid of the TV a few years ago. It wasn't worth paying the satellite bill for as little as we would actually watch. And then the DVR broke, and the company said that I would have to pay to get it fixed, even though it belonged to the company. I told them on the phone to discontinue my service as of that minute.
I don't do anything for a living. I went John Galt almost 17 years ago. The place I worked for until "retirement" is a conservative law firm and would never go for that crap.
As far as I know, there are no alphabet people living in my neighborhood.
No shit. Every. Single. Meeting. At this point, I just put it on mute.
A lot of gay people are attention whores.
A lot of gay people are just whores
All you pride idiots, get this straight: nobody f-king cares. Literally. You're something like. 04% of the population. You showing your asses in everyone's faces all the time (especially the more flamboyant and eccentric of you), just pisses everyone off, making people care even less.
Do what you do, in your own rooms, and keep it to yourselves, like hetero's do, and stop asking for special treatment. Nobody f-king cares. ??
"Pride" over what one does with its reproductive organs is pure idiocy, and is a clear sign of stupidity. Being MILITANT about where you put your weiner or vajayjay is totally ridiculous. Shut up, assholes! We couldn't be less interested in your warped perception of sexuality. Just like you would rail against us regular folks shoving our natural sexual proclivities -- umm -- down your throat, as it were. Kek
Amen. I would post this on FB but I don't feel like being attacked by the lefties on my friends list
Take heart, they'll drop it like a hot potato on July 1st
They don’t believe in it. They think bi folks are confused. The irony is that gays want everyone to accept them as they are, however, that agreement is not reciprocal.
It’s the opposite. They believe Bisexuals are really gay and are not committed to their gayness. Their “confusion” and lack of “commitment” annoys them.
Denied dental care in Cali last Tuesday because I politely asked that the gay pride propaganda poster be removed from the wall of the treatment room or covered (it was the ONLY posted image on the wall) before my 10 year old child was admitted. The hygienist removed the poster and began treatment. Office manager caught wind of the request and canceled our apt - kicked us out.
What happened to a picture of a tooth with proper brushing tips or a furry animal or something? This was a childrens only dental office. Sick.
I don't care for people whose whole identity centers on their sexuality.
I agree with Dr. Ron Paul's sentiments that the policy of 'Don't ask, don't tell' would be great if it applied to everyone across the board. I don't want to hear about anyone's sex life/preferences.
So true.
Was in a national pet store chain today...
At the end display aisle, they had pride clothing for your pet dog.
Seriously, what the fuck. I'm sick of this shit.
This is so true. Everywhere you go around here!
Also brings to mind, my 6th grade grandson plays the trumpet in band. He is required to wear a mask with a slit during practice AND a mask on the end of the horn.
Yes it does! It does muffle the sound while learning I suppose. 2 more days of school here in Inslee's WA state and the poor kid's masks will come off forever.
OMG. Just put a freaking mute on it - it would probably work better if it was actually a real problem!
Speaking of face diapers, I was picking a card out for my dad yesterday for Father's Day (or are we renaming it Chromosome Donor Day? I haven't been keeping up.) Anyway, the plethora of mask theme cards made me want to puke. So lame...
I was a band kid and I can't even fathom how that would work, goodness
So true.