This is the only event that will overshadow the results, and what will follow. It will allow the administration and the media to spend weeks of celebration and other bullshit pomp and circumstance to continue to overshadow audit happenings. No one cares about UFO's, this is the only event that can distract, wall to wall coverage, for weeks, especially now after his disaster of a European trip.
Comments (55)
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Interesting point and has merit.
My thing is, if he steps down and Kamala becomes President, isn’t she also benefiting from the same fraud the audits will expose? Would she also not be a criminal?
Absolutely and many many more are part of it
NCSWIC I suppose
Boom. This is the game plan.
Depends on who is planning the movie plot. Popcorn. On the balance, I think Joe's handlers are white hats. (Over the Atlantic, Joe keeps saying he doesn't want to go back -- hard to fathom if black hats are running the show.)
I don't mind actually. Put Kamala up there for a few weeks and it'll be a blast. Get more of the normies to go: "What the fuck?!!!"
Switch to Kamala and some of the more brain-damaged liberal women will be absolutely delighted -- proof to them that you can parlay skill at sucking cock all the way to becoming the President of the United States of America. Validates their life choices for some of them.
Temporarily anyway. Kamala's actions also indicate that she is on a short leash too. Most telling was the cookies with no facial features but glaze -- funny when the chef could have made a cartoon avatar face. Glazed face. Someone staged that joke at her expense.
Movie's getting exciting. Stay fresh and stay alert, frens.
Here ya go:
I think other countries around the world with any real intel would know what is really going on with regards to Biden, and who is actually in control. They aren't getting their information from CNN.
Would the DS throw the FbI under the bus?
Fuck that. Weeks of constant: "OmG fIrSt WoMaN pReSiDeNt".
Please end my suffering if it comes to this OP.
She's Indian and if you ask old Joe he'll tell you she was discovered at a 7-Eleven gas station that her family ran.
No way, thats only going to fool the lefties. People expect that to happen with biden. You only have to watch a few minutes of one speech to realize he is in major decline. Biden is in the late stages, he's already got sun down syndrome. From there, it won't be long until he needs to be put in a nursing home. Anyone that has been around someone with dementia/alzheimers knows he will shortly be shitting himself, probably already does.
It will only be a distraction to the ignorant still watching main stream.
Which is still like 65% or more by my count
Has potential.
CNN et al ratings are plummeting, thank God. So if they do try to pull off some dumb distraction it'll only briefly work and on a dwindling amount of NPC's.
Shes an accomplice
Its too soon. If they install Kamala before the midterms she will not be able to run for 2 full terms as President. If they want Kamala so badly to be President, they have to drag Biden along until 2023.
they dont give a shit about Kamala though, and shes wildly unpopular already. so its only beneficial to her to wait a whole 2 and a half years assuming she would win 2024
they can always find a new puppet
I think they are only using her as a quick stand in crony. They are 100% planning to run a mega celebrity in 2024. I'm thinking The Rock runs and he will confuse a lot of normie dudes who think he's all big and tough when he's really a evil steroid ridden clown.
This is the cabal we're talking about. They will make Biden have an "untimely death." They'll blame it on a heart attack or stroke.
No, his "retirement" and Kamala's ascending is too valuable.
How exactly would that change anything? Get Biden out of the way, no hearings, no trials. no bad publicity, no fear of Biden spilling the beans. Kamala gets to take over with ease.
If they can get an ounce of pity out of a death, they will take it. Instead of admitting they forced an alzheimer patient onto all of us, they would rather get some pity points. "Good old Joe did nothing but serve the public his entire life." The fake praise they would heap on him will be as disgusting as the contents on Hunter's laptop.
Now, I hope that doesn't happen. I also hope he doesn't die of natural causes, or be removed because of decline. I want him, and her, removed because they cheated.
or a wild "MAGA terrorist" who voted Democrat his whole life and has a van covered in MAGAstickers.jpg bumper stickers to shoot him on live TV
then they have an excuse to crack down on people like us and have fucking Kamala in charge of that shit. hello gulags and concentration/reeducation camps with indefinite sentence extensions
I have a similar thought but with a twist.
I've thought for some time that once the dominos begin to fall in the fraud states, that Biden and Harris will resign. Biden and Harris are small potatoes compared to the real puppet masters.... the cabal will throw Biden and Harris under the bus in an attempt to save the real power brokers.
Now if that were to happen, I have no idea what follows ... I assume we will have a constitutional crisis similar to the civil war.
yep, "omg guys the only way to remove them is through impeachment, so even if they did get impeached Nancy Pelosi would be president." or "wow i guess they did cheat and resigned in shame, well the constitution says Nancy Pelosi is now president."
Only way is military
But the federal government is granted it's authority by the states. Perhaps the states will be the ones to decide a path forward while allowing the military to protect our borders and keep us safe.
that would be amazing, and neccessary if it comes out just how deep congressional election fraud goes too
like Q said, 70% of the government should be removed if we only knew the truth
Maybe Biden will die & that way they can drag the whole thing out for a month- burial - then ceremony for kamel toe ?
Where's the Doctor who said he was fit for office. Pull his/her license. Everyone knows he wasn't fit from the start, which is certainly fraud. Cumilla is not eligible, and piglosi is a drunk. What a party.
Certainly plausible
And who would be VP? Hillary or Michelle? The real installation.
Probably why they won’t let Kamala go anywhere. Too risky to their little plans
for what its worth my time in meditating and prayer has told me Trump will be 48 and this is the same way that was telling me the 2020 election would give us 46, which i refused to believe at the time
Kamala is going to be 47 one way or another, and it seems most likely as the way to distract and claim that title of first woman president before Trump comes in, adds an element of "muh sexism" to the game
(MSM will combine the two!)
(Please comment below and expand on their nonsensical narrative!)
Him calling a joint session of congress and admitting the fraud would be an excellent way for this to play out.
He dies and thats a bigger distraction..