Fear the gaze of the gestalt anon hivemind, for it makes the mighty tremble.
Never seen this particular posting before, 'dog on leash' is quite the amusing characterization.
If the frankfurt school dialectic was developed to stifle and shutter the mind with the unceasing bombardment of crippling fear and cognitive dissonance, why should the inverse not be just as empowering? Unleash the beast.. it worked for Trump after all!
Well, actually, your heads ARE on fire. That's why you're so easy to spot. Kek
The perfect troll post, beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Lmao ?. What’s the context of this?
Just a little cointelpro meltdown from years ago. A reminder that we are more powerful than we realize.
Stand tall anons, they have nothing.
"What difference, at this point, does it make?"
May the power of autism be with you.
Tendies and beer are far better than soy milk and kombucha enemas you frickin' glowies
The irony of that song is Tom Morello is a communist which is why I dont listen to them.
Fear the gaze of the gestalt anon hivemind, for it makes the mighty tremble.
Never seen this particular posting before, 'dog on leash' is quite the amusing characterization.
If the frankfurt school dialectic was developed to stifle and shutter the mind with the unceasing bombardment of crippling fear and cognitive dissonance, why should the inverse not be just as empowering? Unleash the beast.. it worked for Trump after all!
Cuz that would be stupid and gay. /Ignore
Simple answer to the shill in 3 words?
Because you lie.
Cause God said No
Looks like a Hildebeast post.
Fake and superstraight?
Who or what team is speaking, and whom are they addressing? I can't decode this one
Look at the date fren.
When was side of beef van incident?
Things that make you go hmmm.
No help, but thanks