Does anyone else find this a little strange?
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There's that number agin, hmmm
I'd buy a 17 book
I was thinking more along the lines of inviting the enemy to dinner. This is out of character. As many of the people on the list have trashed Trump as much as possible.
Friends close, but enemies closer. If he controls their ability to earn an income, he controls them. He is the most powerful man in the world
None of what he is doing affects their income.
He IS the news, my fren. He gets them addicted to covering him and then he has control of their income
Trump has never shied away from giving interviews to adversarial people. Some of these interviews are strongest red pills to the normies as the narrative does not match what they saw, or they find something Trump said so ridiculous, they try to debunk it and end up getting red pilled.
But at this moment it might be slightly different. As we saw, MSM started covering the Lab Leak theories and Fauci emails. We dont know the mechanism, but looks like the White Hats can control the media and they are slowly turning on the taps. For all you know these interviews will come pouring out of MSM pretty soon as disclosure follows.
I wouldn't be surprised. Veritas has been very busy lately. I feel a Crescendo coming.
I think the President doing interviews is for us and maybe even the normies. His word is getting out. And you know - he has said he doesnt hold a grudge, he gets even (or words to that effect). And he will ?
He's not afraid of anyone
Afraid no. But normal Trump wouldn't waste time with these losers.
Trump is the world's greatest troll.
Yes, but he is no longer President. He owes them nothing. This tells me that something is around the corner. Chill.
hes going to show them frazzle drip
He's giving them one last chance to repent. He'll remember these interviews when it comes to presidential pardons.
I haven't looked that far into it. It just seems out of character given the circumstances. If I may speculate, this seems like the dinner with Xi before his show of force.
Enemies closer
Hey Mar...I was just going to post that! Kek, beat me to it!
Blessings fren....
Great minds! Thanks for sharing...
Nope. Great way to show these people up.
The Why, is what I'm talking about. There is no reason to do this, unless something we are not privy to is in the works.
You just answered your own question fren....there is much that many do not and will not ever know. It's not necessary to know everything because most can't mentally handle it all....but most can handle some...
I "see and hear" things that I am instructed not to reveal, no one would believe them (except some here). Instead you lead people to their own realization with the knowledge you have thus they "think" they figured it out for themselves.....Doesn't matter that you knew all along, what matters is that they now know..
Getting the truth out there is a good reason - there are lots who still follow MSM and we know how they love to lie and twist everything he says. Now they get to hear from the man himself. :)
Why would they start now?
Q has said these people are stupid. MSM hemorrhaging viewers, need Trump sparring with talking heads trying to damage him more. Actually has the opposite result. Hopefully we will find out sooner.
Right but none of this is relevant to that. They oppose him all the way, and now suddenly he sits down and even invites some of them to dinner? I think we will be finding out rather soon.
It gets the word out and makes the moment he gets to rub their faces in their own bullshit all the better. How would you treat your enemies if you knew you were going to/already had won? I'd get them all crazed by taunting them, then when they least expect it, you Dong them across the face.
All jokes aside, allowing a significant portion of the country to follow the mocking bird media around was PART OF THE PLAN. The normies are the primary target of this whole operation, the plan has to wack them so hard most make it their mission in life to teach their kids never to repeat their mistakes.
THAT is why Trump is such a polarizing figure, it won us over and it pissed the liberals and lefties off and that was exactly what the good guys wanted. It makes their "come to Jesus" moment all the better, they remain in the lost 4-6% of crazy people or they have to suck the dick of reality. There is no middle ground in this battle, you're a patriot and a child of God, or you're a luciferian scum-of-the-earth pedo.
I'm not nearly as judgemental as I used to be, but anyone I know who is part of the 4-6% will not be allowed in my life. ANYONE that could walk past or excuse the actions of these bastards is not anyone I want near me. As for the people that make excuses, it's nearly worse. It's time for the good people to run things for a change!
22 is the Masonic number representing foundation.