They say: "Do not turn over election equipment to anyone, because that equipment cannever again be usedin an election - and we will not buy you new stuff."
For that threat to be valid, they are ADMITTING that a 'bad actor' can tamper with the machines and it cannot be detected during 're-certification'.
If that is true, we should not have machines in use during elections. Period.
The people that have full-time control of the equipment are clearly hyper-partisan (and therefore potential 'bad actors'). So why should the American public trust the certification or the vote on ANY machine?
None of these lies EVER stand up to logical scrutiny!
Continuing my thinking regarding "their" threat. ..
"They" say the counties that cooperate will lose their certification of voting machines and those counties will be prevented from buying new onea, right?
So, those counties will likely have to go back to paper ballots and manual counts?
Let's follow the CORRUPT LOGIC here....
They say: "Do not turn over election equipment to anyone, because that equipment can never again be used in an election - and we will not buy you new stuff."
For that threat to be valid, they are ADMITTING that a 'bad actor' can tamper with the machines and it cannot be detected during 're-certification'.
If that is true, we should not have machines in use during elections. Period.
The people that have full-time control of the equipment are clearly hyper-partisan (and therefore potential 'bad actors'). So why should the American public trust the certification or the vote on ANY machine?
None of these lies EVER stand up to logical scrutiny!
Continuing my thinking regarding "their" threat. ..
"They" say the counties that cooperate will lose their certification of voting machines and those counties will be prevented from buying new onea, right?
So, those counties will likely have to go back to paper ballots and manual counts?
Oh my!
My thoughts exactly! This sounds more like a great idea than a threat. Let's get the decertification of those machine going STAT.
Oh yeah, I immediately thought that this is part of the plan. Take out the fraudulent machines - prevent them from ever being used again!
They don't care about truth or logic. If anything the less sense their story makes the more people eat it up....