Using a Disney actress to convince children to stab themselves with gene therapy
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Organic portals....sadly just like many of the vaxxed soon
Honestly i don't know many who have been vaxxed as today, in my family really few have been vaxxed, as now the majority is awake enough to understand what this shit is about and will resist as much as possible, honestly i'm not even scared about it going mandatory as that would quickly explode in a bloodbath on both side, so the vax would be the last of their issues probably But, i can't not feel sorry for those few i know, specially one that left me a little sad (for him), it's a guy who has a restaurant near where i live, he went to jab himself and the whole family with 2 kids quite soon, he told me that a bunch of weeks ago and felt sorry for them and thought hopefully they got a saline instead of the shit. Was walking by there yesterday and i met him leaving a grocery heading to his restaurant, what do you want me to say, not anymore the same person, he's always quite noisy and responsive, yet yesterday he was walking softly with that phone in the hands, the voice seemed like the one you get under heavy morphine, peaced, lost, a living zombie, you can see in his eye he's not the same anymore, i swear I feel sorry mostly for his kids :/
i just hope this shit will end soon, specially the kids i mean, fucking leave them apart, they have no fault or nothing to do with the shit in this world, you wanna fight us it's alright, let it be a fair 'war' between adults, but fucking leave them apart, This is really a low bow violating happily any human right, this deserves an equal weighted punishment to the 'Reich Experts'
Sign language interpreter played by Robert deniro
Yep, don’t let yer kids watch the Disney Channel. Don’t let them see these looser teen/twentyish actors/actresses as role models/idols. They all seem to break down see Britney Spears, Miley Cuyrus, Christina Applegate, ect... your kid will follow as they “grew up knowing them” without realizing all the knew was a lie/lost person....
I'm thinking that she has been trained to do as she's told for quite a while now....
Yea, I know, it's a celeb gossip blog but 90+% of everything dropped there has turned out to be true for all the years it has been running so....
Does she have a name? I'm well out of the Disney loop.
She looks stupid
They could only come up with 600 bots to watch this star laden press briefing from the white house official channel. Sad.