Did he leave office with the USA still under a State of Emergency? Did he sign the Insurrection Act? What if America is no longer a corporation, as many have suggested, and Trump is now the sitting President of a brand new Republic?
I don't pretend to know how this works. LOL I've listened to lots of diffetent views. I'm wondering if getting Bidet out of "office" is only for show. They have to do it the right way so that libs can't say Trump unlawfully bullied his way back into the White House. The audits could do just that. Numbers don't lie.
Would love to discuss this. :-)
Agreed. The foreign interference angle is the most important, but last to be revealed, IMO.
People's eyes are being opened daily by the onslaught of evidence from AZ & GA. PA/WI/MI/NV/NH are likely next. We're on a steady progression of unwinding the "most secure election ever" horse shit narrative, and Americans are waking up to it.
Now the talking point is "Well, there wasn't enough fraud to change the outcome," as if that makes any degree of election fraud acceptable.
They know it's happened and are warming up to the breadth of the fraud. Only then can our side play the international interference angle to demonstrate the depth of the meddling.
It's worth mentioning, that's why Maricopa BoE is deliberately dragging their feet in handing over the routers. The inbound international IP traffic into their servers on Election Night and the following days will be damning.
It's also my theory that it's when you see Mike Lindell become a LOT more forthcoming with that Mary Fanning info from his videos.
I love that word! It's right up there with douchebaggery!
What fuckery is this?!
Ah yes, "fuckery" too - we need to petition the urban dictionary on these. Also, one my brother used to like using - dickage. I'm sure it would be a synonym of fuckery, bullshittery and douchebaggery.
Saying “Not enough fraud to change the outcome” is like saying “there’s only a little dog poop in the brownies. You’ll hardly taste it”.
Right! Fraud, is fraud, is fraud! It doesn't matter what level, FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING! I've been sounding this horn for months, now! This statement means if his cheating is found in one state, it nullifies him and his whole 'a valid candidate' PERIOD!! He is (and should) be disqualified! And yanked from office with a long list of treasonous-traitorous felonies to put him away are eradicate him altogether!
That's gaslighting. Any calculated systemic deliberate organized fraud committed by a political campaign immediately disqualifies the cheater and hands the victory to the candidate who got the highest number of votes who didn't cheat.
Morons love to pipe up and chime in with "Nuh-UH! One random poll worker scanning a ballot twice doesn't disqualify a presidential candidate!!!" They do it every time this comes up. Let's see if it happens again...LOL
You know they will. They're only as good as their programming.