There will be one very important reason. It's to show the half-asleep Republicans which of the RINOs will throw out their civil liberties without a moment's hesitation without Trump there to stop them from doing so.
Mark my words, I've never been more sure in my life that this is the next stage. Especially as the audits near completion and release, and the Deep State attempts to prepare another offensive for the 2022 elections.
Amen plant medicine. I ordered my religious exemption from masks and testing for my job for LAUSD today, from if anyone's interested
i lie about it too. why give an honest answer to a bullshit question. fuck em
No, lying is not the way. Courageous truth telling is how we avoid tyranny. By saying you got the jab, you are giving power to their propaganda symbol.
Plus, once they think you're on their side, you can get the details of awful side effects. The sanctimonious rarely share these bad experiences.
The best comment i have read all day. Thanks!