I do not see how those can be accurate numbers. There were no servers that recorded the fraudulent ballots themselves (the fraudulent paper ballots that went through the system as normal). The servers didn't catch the Trump ballots that were thrown out. They didn't catch the fubar voter rolls, etc. At best the servers got premanipulated server data, which accounts for likely only a fraction of the total fuckery.
Who knows what the real numbers are.
Forensic audits for all counties across the nation is the only way to even get close to the truth. Even there, I guarantee a lot of information has been permanently lost, thus at best a forensic audit can only set an upper and lower bound. My guess is these numbers are maybe close to a lower bound, with the upper bound being 538 Trump, 0 Biden. I would bet money its closer to the upper bound than the lower bound.
No one knows the real numbers. There are too many areas of fraud. Can anyone know (from the server data) that Trump won? Absolutely. That's not even difficult. I have proven it mathematically and I'm just one data analyst working with publicly available databases (which themselves are suspect, but still self-prove themselves fraudulent and that Trump won).
However, what about all the mailmen, or election workers, or janitors that were paid off to smuggle out Trump ballots and burn them? Do you think they know about every instance of those? Not a chance. I could do such a thing and never be seen by a single camera, and I'm not even good at that type of shit. Nor could they possibly know how many any one person burned, or shredded, etc.
With mail in ballots, the opportunities for fraud are so plentiful anyone could commit fraud and get away with it as far as any computer or camera or surveillance could detect, especially with numerical certainty.
No one knows the real numbers. People probably have a good idea, and a forensic audit would give a very accurate range of possible outcomes, but not a soul on the planet will ever know the real vote.
Do you think a re-election or just installing Trump and giving him the end of the term plus four years would be the best way to go? I'm trying to figure out if this is going to happen before Christmas or if it may even be afterward. Earlier would be even better!
That is irrelevant. Its server data. There are multiple levels of fraud, most of which would have never touched a computer.
That's the entire purpose of a forensic audit. If it could all be found on computer it would be completely pointless to look further. A forensic computer analysis would be sufficient.
But the people who organized the fraud also organized the fraudulent ballots. The fraud seemed to follow a predetermined pattern. A machine algorithm to distribute votes. Send ballots to electronic adjudication to shift votes. When those failed the counting shutdown to activate the counterfeit ballot stuffing.
The point is the real election was over when the call to shutdown the counts went out. MAGA crushed the algorithm and the adjudication schemes. Which also means Biden turnout was so poor that the algorithm and adjudication failed. So they knew the real results and sent out the word to stuff the fake ballots to pull off the steal.
So they knew the real results and sent out the word to stuff the fake ballots to pull off the steal.
All they knew was it wasn't enough with all the fraud they had already done. There were a million avenues of fraud. You don't have to micromanage the entire thing, nor would anyone or any thing be aware of all the details. Its not like they put it all on a spreadsheet...
Think of it like a terrorist organizations MO. A general order goes out, and all the cells do their own thing to fulfill the order. The details are known by no one, only the general plan is required to be followed. I looked at a lot of the details of the election fraud. It was a fucking mess. It was not some grand plan in the details, only in the top level. The details were followed by patterns they have worked out over the decades, but those details are not specific numbers, just patterns of what works.
Its like when a terrorist goes out with a suicide bomb. Does he know how many kills he will get or how much overall damage he will do? Not even a little bit. Its just "go kill as many as you can". This was the same way the election fraud was done.
All they knew was it wasn't enough with all the fraud they had already done.
You are absolutely right. This is the real point and the point I think she is making. There came a moment where they knew everything they had planned, plus the garden variety fraud wasn’t going to be enough.
Trump would have an electoral landslide, and possibly a popular one too. That’s when the counts were stopped and the late night deliveries were made. So yes, all they knew is they had not done enough and if they did nothing Trump wins. So I think we actually agree, I just wasn’t clear in my first comment.
Trump won the popular vote by many millions. I have no idea how many, but I would be surprised if it were only 10 million. It could have been a 40 million victory margin. Hopefully we will know sooner rather than later.
The truth is Trump almost certainly won the popular vote in 2016 as well. He was up by millions before the west coast chimed in. CA alone probably gave Hitlery an extra few million fraudulent votes. The west coast isn't nearly as blue as people think it is. The fraud has been going on for a very long time. CA has had Dominion since around 2004 (Smartmatic).
So, what are we waiting on then? Tick tok. I believe the battle lines have been drawn and sides have been chosen. We are at the point of no return and yet we see no action from those said to counter the cabal. Those that refuse to accept the truth cannot be awakened.
No offence, honestly, but every time I hear someone say “C’mon, tick rock” I can definitely agree and empathize with the frustration and the impatience. I have personal reasons I want this done yesterday, too. The majority of my family is in the States. I haven’t seen them in over two years, and it doesn’t look like I will see them again anytime soon. I may never see my Mom again. So I get it, and it’s really tempting to play “Monday morning Quarterback” and say this should’ve been done already. Thing is, there is so much to all of this that we don’t see yet and I, for one, want it to be done right. I don’t want them to have a single way out - no stone left unturned that can compromise what the good guys are dedicated to accomplishing. So, for that, I can be patient. There are many more out there sacrificing much more than I am by waiting.
Yeah it is difficult and frustrating for everyone. But we are in a worldwide ideological war between individual liberty and Globalist neo-Marxism and the other side has the upper hand at the moment. I can remain patient up to the mid-terms but if this isn't set right at that time then I wouldn't fault anyone for any action that opposes the tyranny we would be under. The next months could easily be the most critical for humankind in the last two centuries.
Someone posted the other day about signs showing the Insurrection Act was signed by then President Trump, and I honestly believe he did. The biggest clues were the actions of the Democrats, that are line by line, of what to do IF the Insurrection Act was signed. And they tried them all. So by that no one is currently the President, the military would be in control, with Trump waiting in the wings to be put back in control at some point. So yes technically he is still the President, but not totally, in such. Am I making sense?
I do not see how those can be accurate numbers. There were no servers that recorded the fraudulent ballots themselves (the fraudulent paper ballots that went through the system as normal). The servers didn't catch the Trump ballots that were thrown out. They didn't catch the fubar voter rolls, etc. At best the servers got premanipulated server data, which accounts for likely only a fraction of the total fuckery.
Who knows what the real numbers are.
Forensic audits for all counties across the nation is the only way to even get close to the truth. Even there, I guarantee a lot of information has been permanently lost, thus at best a forensic audit can only set an upper and lower bound. My guess is these numbers are maybe close to a lower bound, with the upper bound being 538 Trump, 0 Biden. I would bet money its closer to the upper bound than the lower bound.
Trump watched the real numbers come in on election night.
No one knows the real numbers. There are too many areas of fraud. Can anyone know (from the server data) that Trump won? Absolutely. That's not even difficult. I have proven it mathematically and I'm just one data analyst working with publicly available databases (which themselves are suspect, but still self-prove themselves fraudulent and that Trump won).
However, what about all the mailmen, or election workers, or janitors that were paid off to smuggle out Trump ballots and burn them? Do you think they know about every instance of those? Not a chance. I could do such a thing and never be seen by a single camera, and I'm not even good at that type of shit. Nor could they possibly know how many any one person burned, or shredded, etc.
With mail in ballots, the opportunities for fraud are so plentiful anyone could commit fraud and get away with it as far as any computer or camera or surveillance could detect, especially with numerical certainty.
No one knows the real numbers. People probably have a good idea, and a forensic audit would give a very accurate range of possible outcomes, but not a soul on the planet will ever know the real vote.
A reelection would help us see the truth but the propaganda about a couple and stuff would be a variable.
That being said, Trump won. Period. We had our elections, time to restore the republic.
Do you think a re-election or just installing Trump and giving him the end of the term plus four years would be the best way to go? I'm trying to figure out if this is going to happen before Christmas or if it may even be afterward. Earlier would be even better!
Whatever it is will likely bring in grandiose reform in multiple sectors and reset America.
You can't just remove Biden and throw in Trump.
A reelection doesn't make sense. Who will he run against and will the parties even be allowed to exist as they are?
You certainly can simply remove biden.
If that were to happen all the leftists and libtards would become ironclad in their indoctrinated and delusional belief of Trump being a dictator.
That's why it almost certainly won't happen that way.
I mean if someone steals your kids and car they cant just be returned. Guess the thief just has to keep them
Real numbers held by spaceforce.
That is irrelevant. Its server data. There are multiple levels of fraud, most of which would have never touched a computer.
That's the entire purpose of a forensic audit. If it could all be found on computer it would be completely pointless to look further. A forensic computer analysis would be sufficient.
But the people who organized the fraud also organized the fraudulent ballots. The fraud seemed to follow a predetermined pattern. A machine algorithm to distribute votes. Send ballots to electronic adjudication to shift votes. When those failed the counting shutdown to activate the counterfeit ballot stuffing.
The point is the real election was over when the call to shutdown the counts went out. MAGA crushed the algorithm and the adjudication schemes. Which also means Biden turnout was so poor that the algorithm and adjudication failed. So they knew the real results and sent out the word to stuff the fake ballots to pull off the steal.
All they knew was it wasn't enough with all the fraud they had already done. There were a million avenues of fraud. You don't have to micromanage the entire thing, nor would anyone or any thing be aware of all the details. Its not like they put it all on a spreadsheet...
Think of it like a terrorist organizations MO. A general order goes out, and all the cells do their own thing to fulfill the order. The details are known by no one, only the general plan is required to be followed. I looked at a lot of the details of the election fraud. It was a fucking mess. It was not some grand plan in the details, only in the top level. The details were followed by patterns they have worked out over the decades, but those details are not specific numbers, just patterns of what works.
Its like when a terrorist goes out with a suicide bomb. Does he know how many kills he will get or how much overall damage he will do? Not even a little bit. Its just "go kill as many as you can". This was the same way the election fraud was done.
You are absolutely right. This is the real point and the point I think she is making. There came a moment where they knew everything they had planned, plus the garden variety fraud wasn’t going to be enough.
Trump would have an electoral landslide, and possibly a popular one too. That’s when the counts were stopped and the late night deliveries were made. So yes, all they knew is they had not done enough and if they did nothing Trump wins. So I think we actually agree, I just wasn’t clear in my first comment.
Trump won the popular vote by many millions. I have no idea how many, but I would be surprised if it were only 10 million. It could have been a 40 million victory margin. Hopefully we will know sooner rather than later.
The truth is Trump almost certainly won the popular vote in 2016 as well. He was up by millions before the west coast chimed in. CA alone probably gave Hitlery an extra few million fraudulent votes. The west coast isn't nearly as blue as people think it is. The fraud has been going on for a very long time. CA has had Dominion since around 2004 (Smartmatic).
This is a great ‘debunker’ for the MSM.......!
Quotes out of context and easily disproven numbers......
It’s bait meme..... throw it back!!!
Which numbers, these or.the votes themselves?
So, what are we waiting on then? Tick tok. I believe the battle lines have been drawn and sides have been chosen. We are at the point of no return and yet we see no action from those said to counter the cabal. Those that refuse to accept the truth cannot be awakened.
No offence, honestly, but every time I hear someone say “C’mon, tick rock” I can definitely agree and empathize with the frustration and the impatience. I have personal reasons I want this done yesterday, too. The majority of my family is in the States. I haven’t seen them in over two years, and it doesn’t look like I will see them again anytime soon. I may never see my Mom again. So I get it, and it’s really tempting to play “Monday morning Quarterback” and say this should’ve been done already. Thing is, there is so much to all of this that we don’t see yet and I, for one, want it to be done right. I don’t want them to have a single way out - no stone left unturned that can compromise what the good guys are dedicated to accomplishing. So, for that, I can be patient. There are many more out there sacrificing much more than I am by waiting.
Yeah it is difficult and frustrating for everyone. But we are in a worldwide ideological war between individual liberty and Globalist neo-Marxism and the other side has the upper hand at the moment. I can remain patient up to the mid-terms but if this isn't set right at that time then I wouldn't fault anyone for any action that opposes the tyranny we would be under. The next months could easily be the most critical for humankind in the last two centuries.
Put up or shut up
I got a feeling, a feeling I can't hide: Trump is still our President.
Someone posted the other day about signs showing the Insurrection Act was signed by then President Trump, and I honestly believe he did. The biggest clues were the actions of the Democrats, that are line by line, of what to do IF the Insurrection Act was signed. And they tried them all. So by that no one is currently the President, the military would be in control, with Trump waiting in the wings to be put back in control at some point. So yes technically he is still the President, but not totally, in such. Am I making sense?
Completely, I agree, not totally; hence, military control.
Would love to see video of this!
Did he really get 128? Hard to believe.
I honestly dont think BiteIt got that many votes