I think it’s an attempt to pressure DeSantis to reverse course. He has been pretty outspoken about doing things constitutionally. If you noticed after cases “spiked” he came out and pushed for “take muh vax”
I saw something last night that the Biden regime is supposed to take aim at DeSantis next week. Nothing like a nicely timed fake boost in Covid numbers to bolster their claims.
I would not care if covid was marching down my street looking for my address. If I got flu like symptoms, I would call one of the doctors that prescribe therapeutics drugs for Covid and promptly defeat it.
Here in Kansas, all the news outlets were reporting that the Children's hospital was at capacity due to Covid and other infections. The hospital had to come out and say that is untrue. While they are seeing an uptick in Covid cases, the majority of cases of inpatient care is due to respiratory illness and RSV. Looking at the hospital tracker, there are no inpatient Covid cases. Another note, why are so many kids in the hospital for respiratory illness, could it be the fact that they have kept their kids masked all summer????
Coworker, twice jabbed is in the hospital and said “covid hit” Monday this past week. Couple others out with something flulike.
Seems like it’s the seasonal flu. Maybe being locked down delayed it but I think it’s just something they’re labeling as covid but it probably is a corona virus or something and their tests are crap. The tests can’t differentiate. I have no faith in testing and never will get tested but I call BS whatever they’re claiming. People used to get colds and flu and obese, elderly and frail people died from it. What they’re not reporting is deaths, however. It’s all “cases.” Cases, cases, cases. I always ask people wtf happened to colds and flu? We cured them? They don’t exist anymore? Didja run to the doctor to get tested after every sniffle? So insane.
Also, you know where a lot of the illegal immigrants are heading? Florida. Lots of work available. Lots of talk about that on conservative news radio. They could be bringing viruses and other infections.
Idk. I'm in FL too. Was asking my nurse client last week questions trying to figure out how they are determining delta in people if the test can't even tell difference between covid and flu. Honestly seemed like they must have given her a script to follow.
They're trying to use that crap to make schools have mask mandates here. We told them our family isn't doing it. They tried to tell us that masks are going to be part of our "way of life".
Won't be a part of my way of life. I'm not wearing one ever again, nor is my family.
It used to be about the death total. Now that people aren't dying from this at an alarming rate (or so it seemed), they are going strictly by case numbers to support their argument. I'm getting over it now and I've had MUCH worse than this. I was skeptical if I even had it until I lost my sense of taste and smell. Still...I've had worse.
"Covid Cases" means NOTHING when it has been officially stated that the PCR tests can not be relied on and can be abused to count old, no longer existent Virus fragments and say it is Positive. My question now is always, People testing positive with the faulty test or people actually sick, and have had further testing (blood work and the likes) because, they were sick and not just the PCR test.
Hustband had same where he works(mil base), five fully vac have tested positive this past couple weeks. I asked him if anyone was sick or that they just as a positive test? he didnt know. heh.
When pieces of fruit test positive I refuse to be tested. Why can’t people just accept they have a cold and stay home a few days?? Unless you’re truly getting worse then do a telemed visit with Frontline doctors & get some ivermectin. That’s my plan anyways.
I know an unusual amount of people who are sick right now here in Florida. Seems like the flu. My whole family is sick in Sarasota. Aunts and uncles in Orlando all sick. Neighbors kids came home from Disney trip early because they all got sick. I'm curious about whether it's coming from vaccinated people shedding spike proteins and getting everyone else sick around them.
I think it’s an attempt to pressure DeSantis to reverse course. He has been pretty outspoken about doing things constitutionally. If you noticed after cases “spiked” he came out and pushed for “take muh vax”
I saw something last night that the Biden regime is supposed to take aim at DeSantis next week. Nothing like a nicely timed fake boost in Covid numbers to bolster their claims.
I would not care if covid was marching down my street looking for my address. If I got flu like symptoms, I would call one of the doctors that prescribe therapeutics drugs for Covid and promptly defeat it.
Directory of Doctors
Dr. Michael Austin (813) 964-5901 COVID-19_Help@affinitywellness.net
Dr. Bruce Boros (305) 294-0011
Jennifer Conlon, MSN, APRN (352) 448-6800 (Text only) admin@flourishhealthnetwork.com https://www.flourishhealthnetwork.com
Dr. Linda Delo (772) 871-5900 www.delomed.net
Janice A. Dennis, FNP, APRRN (561) 847-0573 (call or text) janiceicurn@bellsouth.net
Dr. Bernard Garcia (954) 771-2111
Jessica Ham, ARNP (850) 444-8857
Vanessa Hamalian NP Telemed for Florida only. $85/visit. Make telemed appt at: www.latitudeclinic.com
Dr. Peter H. Hibberd (561) 655-4477; 561-725-2356 (text)
Dr. Michael M. Jacobs (850) 912-2000
Dr. Nabeel Kouka (305) 280-0505 info@salus.md www.salus.md
Dr. Jasen Kobobel (321) 636-0005 (appointments only with patients already established with his practice)
Dr. Chad Lee (954)-289-2845 cnlmedicalgroup@gmail.com www.cnlmed.com
Dr. Ben Marble (850) 776-5555
Dr. Angeli Maun Akey FIRRIMupDoctors@gmail.com (telemedicine)
Dr. William Nields . HeadwatersHealthJax@gmail.com
Cordelia Okwuosah, FNP-BC (855) 787-4432
Dr. Juliana Rajter (954) 906-6000
Dr. Jean-Jacques Rajter (954) 906-6000
Dr. Tara A. Solomon (954) 984-8892 Ext 1 www.drtarasolomon.com
Dr. Juan Pascal Suarez-Lopez (407) 843-0151
Dr. Andres Felipe Velasco (386) 574-1423
Brian Weinstein, NP (888) 329-0120
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko (845) 537-2742 text for appointment https://www.vladimirzelenkomd.com
Here in Kansas, all the news outlets were reporting that the Children's hospital was at capacity due to Covid and other infections. The hospital had to come out and say that is untrue. While they are seeing an uptick in Covid cases, the majority of cases of inpatient care is due to respiratory illness and RSV. Looking at the hospital tracker, there are no inpatient Covid cases. Another note, why are so many kids in the hospital for respiratory illness, could it be the fact that they have kept their kids masked all summer????
I know, the cure for covid is to stop listening to MSM and get off social media. Boom. Cured.
Coworker, twice jabbed is in the hospital and said “covid hit” Monday this past week. Couple others out with something flulike.
Seems like it’s the seasonal flu. Maybe being locked down delayed it but I think it’s just something they’re labeling as covid but it probably is a corona virus or something and their tests are crap. The tests can’t differentiate. I have no faith in testing and never will get tested but I call BS whatever they’re claiming. People used to get colds and flu and obese, elderly and frail people died from it. What they’re not reporting is deaths, however. It’s all “cases.” Cases, cases, cases. I always ask people wtf happened to colds and flu? We cured them? They don’t exist anymore? Didja run to the doctor to get tested after every sniffle? So insane.
Also, you know where a lot of the illegal immigrants are heading? Florida. Lots of work available. Lots of talk about that on conservative news radio. They could be bringing viruses and other infections.
Idk. I'm in FL too. Was asking my nurse client last week questions trying to figure out how they are determining delta in people if the test can't even tell difference between covid and flu. Honestly seemed like they must have given her a script to follow.
There's "spikes" conveniently everywhere.
They're trying to use that crap to make schools have mask mandates here. We told them our family isn't doing it. They tried to tell us that masks are going to be part of our "way of life".
Won't be a part of my way of life. I'm not wearing one ever again, nor is my family.
This is Alabama.
It used to be about the death total. Now that people aren't dying from this at an alarming rate (or so it seemed), they are going strictly by case numbers to support their argument. I'm getting over it now and I've had MUCH worse than this. I was skeptical if I even had it until I lost my sense of taste and smell. Still...I've had worse.
"Covid Cases" means NOTHING when it has been officially stated that the PCR tests can not be relied on and can be abused to count old, no longer existent Virus fragments and say it is Positive. My question now is always, People testing positive with the faulty test or people actually sick, and have had further testing (blood work and the likes) because, they were sick and not just the PCR test. Hustband had same where he works(mil base), five fully vac have tested positive this past couple weeks. I asked him if anyone was sick or that they just as a positive test? he didnt know. heh.
The only person I know that’s gotten it recently just had her 2nd vaccine dose 2 weeks before getting sick
It's always news of spikes out of Orlando, FL! Democrapic strong hold! They're always saying it's the unvaxxed!
Or did the govt again change the PCR Count Threshold! If you haven’t read article below, doing so will explain a lot.
Did your coworkers take the clot shot? I believe that is spreading the virus
Give them ivermectin and stop getting tested.
The only Spike I'm worried about is the Spike Protein in the Jab.
What spike? I haven't see the hospitals overflowing down here or mass ambulances going back and forth.
Pure BS.
When pieces of fruit test positive I refuse to be tested. Why can’t people just accept they have a cold and stay home a few days?? Unless you’re truly getting worse then do a telemed visit with Frontline doctors & get some ivermectin. That’s my plan anyways.
I know an unusual amount of people who are sick right now here in Florida. Seems like the flu. My whole family is sick in Sarasota. Aunts and uncles in Orlando all sick. Neighbors kids came home from Disney trip early because they all got sick. I'm curious about whether it's coming from vaccinated people shedding spike proteins and getting everyone else sick around them.