Perhaps yes, but you can't say the same for all of them. The schools nowadays mostly play a part in this madness. They plant a seed of deceit then they'll grow these parasitic roots into the mind of a person and beyond, it's worse than a disease itself. Because it won't be something mostly blameless like a germ, no it will be themselves who drive themselves to a morally decayed life. A fate way worse than death itself.
This is just sad, apparently he is blind too, based on that outfit.
Saw NBC news guy in a brown suit the other night. Are they trying again to bring brown back into style?
And probably dumb, in more ways than one ...
Missed spelling. SuperZeros!
Genderqueer: im not like those other men
Joe probably ordered him off the menu for the Obama party and the kid got the address wrong.
An effeminate asian guy in an old suit ?
The White House "bend over and spell run"
I don't get it? What's the superpower?
I honestly wish these types of people will get executed or thrown into a mental institution, guys are not your typical usual loony bins.
Perhaps yes, but you can't say the same for all of them. The schools nowadays mostly play a part in this madness. They plant a seed of deceit then they'll grow these parasitic roots into the mind of a person and beyond, it's worse than a disease itself. Because it won't be something mostly blameless like a germ, no it will be themselves who drive themselves to a morally decayed life. A fate way worse than death itself.
A fag.