A single Gamestop share will be fuck-you money, way more than you'll know what to do with. This is buying islands/private planes money. I have 12; gonna sell 11, then have physical delivery of one share, just so I can show people I was a part of the MOASS, the greatest transfer of wealth in history, when all the wealth the communists gathered was washed away.
Keith Gill - DeepFuckingValue/VikingKitty will be able to buy fucking countries with his 100,000 shares.
Real great video breaking down the GameStop situation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkvRWzz1Rkk
Tl;dr: A ton of internet autists fucked over hedge funds by making a stock they bet on failing soar
Lots of stonk market foreplay. But, the rocket hasn't taken off yet because those who are shorting Gamestop haven't closed their positions, which is the most important thing.
So you haven't missed the Mother Of All Short Squeezes yet.
Between this, the audit results, the Durham report and the market crash / GameStop saga, my tits are soooo jacked for August!
A single Gamestop share will be fuck-you money, way more than you'll know what to do with. This is buying islands/private planes money. I have 12; gonna sell 11, then have physical delivery of one share, just so I can show people I was a part of the MOASS, the greatest transfer of wealth in history, when all the wealth the communists gathered was washed away.
Keith Gill - DeepFuckingValue/VikingKitty will be able to buy fucking countries with his 100,000 shares.
I have almost 300 :-)
Edit: Now over 400.
Can't stop, won't stop, GameStop
doin the lords work fren. Some juicy discounts this week as well!
Real great video breaking down the GameStop situation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkvRWzz1Rkk Tl;dr: A ton of internet autists fucked over hedge funds by making a stock they bet on failing soar
Yeah they fucked over some smaller hedgefunds but the biggest and most powerful hedgefund, BlackRock, own 9,217,335 shares of GME.
Always look for the deeper story... remember YouTube will remove any video about election fraud. If it's on YouTube, the cabal want you to see it
Lots of stonk market foreplay. But, the rocket hasn't taken off yet because those who are shorting Gamestop haven't closed their positions, which is the most important thing.
So you haven't missed the Mother Of All Short Squeezes yet.
Well you convinced me to buy a share. I sure hope you're right friend :)
I bought 1 more yesterday... have about 20 now...
now is a very good time, very discounted this week
Now I need to buy another share...
One share or a synthetic share?
A delivered share, for framing.