Its simple. Buy and Hold. How hard is that to do your part in destroying the corrupt cabal owned financial system and transfer wealth back to the people!
Not only easy but even when trades sideways the more money I can get every two weeks to buy another share. Seems to be many others doing same. So like a boa constrictor at this point slowly strangling its prey
Why not hold out for a billion a share? I only have 3 shares. A guy's gotta make a profit. 3 billion and I will retire...maybe buy a boat and pay someone to go fishing for me.
actually, there's the "infinity pool" theory - hedge funds need to buy back more shares than should exist in order to close their naked short position. If apes only sell a fraction of the needed shares (i.e. you sell 1 and hang onto the rest), then the price will have to go up to infinity!
I bought 3 shares just to put a thump in their eye. I don't expect to ever see any profit from it. When required to purchase back more than exists, prices might spike 10x or 20x, then they will simply create more just like was done to create the ones they sold in the first place or stop trading and possibly charge a few with fraud. Remember the last stock that went to infinity?
I think with the GME think there's a hidden surprise, they will let it implode, we will make some money, but then the economy will crash and gone, so they can blame apes for the crash (this will also give them a way to prevent 'retail' investors to join their new trading shit)
Then they will pop up the new mainly digital currency, and provide the exchange ratio of a shit
Hope i'm wrong but it may squeeze with the worse timing ever
yes, as the MOASS has potential to create a singularity in the financial world creating a black hole sucking everything into it.
hedgies liquidated
then primary brokers
then the clearing house
then the Fed.
and when that happens who knows what will happen, I'm thinking hyperinflation as they print money out of thin air to pay tendies out. so best to put tendies into something more stable than the dollar.
Well those will drop down too, but still, barter or other stuffs will indeed be worth something, another thing i'm thinking about it's terrains, but that has to be done quickly, that will bring troubles in the near future with their reset, but still, should give you enough space and time to organize with also other like minded people eventually
You will have lots of money after Moass. Those that ridicule you will soon regret that they didn't invest in gme pre-moass and envy you. They will ask you for some money (if they still know you by then) and if you say no they might go after you or your love ones just to get some of your winnings. Plan accordingly. Just saying.
yes, when MOASS happens likely will crash the markets as hedgies and then parties up the chain are liquidated. so lots of people that didn't invest in gamestop will be wiped out. and they will be mad.
That's why I think it's part of the strategy, i believe it will wake a lot of people up to the wallstreet shenanigans. one way to wake people up is to mess with their money. money can be a big emotional trigger for many people.
I feel ya, ya banana-breath bastard. I'll hodl for my husband who works toooo many hours. And I'll hodl for you. You'll look pretty nice in that lambo.
GME is a better deal at this price point than AMC. There are way less shares available. There’s good DD on this, but it’s as simple as you get what you pay for.
GME = Trump
AMC = Lindsey Graham
Would you rather have 1 Trump or 5 Grahams? Clearest picture I can paint.
Just for fun buy 4. Sell one when it buys you a car and a house and pays off your debt. Sell one when you never have to work again. Hold 2 forever to show your grandkids what diamond hands look like. (Disclaimer: I'm tits deep.)
I know fuckall about finance. I know only one thing when it comes to short squeezes - and that is I hold my $GME and $AMC like they are the last bananas in the world, and to keep stacking my shinies.
Its simple. Buy and Hold. How hard is that to do your part in destroying the corrupt cabal owned financial system and transfer wealth back to the people!
Not only easy but even when trades sideways the more money I can get every two weeks to buy another share. Seems to be many others doing same. So like a boa constrictor at this point slowly strangling its prey
I’m actually saving for the first time in my life by buying and holding. It’s amazing
Hold until when? At some point you have to cash out, yes?
when the price of a single share hits $40M. Just watch.
So,...if it runs up in like 72 hours to 20M and then the dive back to $130 or so, you just miss out? I bet some one wins.
retail investors (AKA apes) are resolute in holding together. Ape trust ape, fren.
Why not hold out for a billion a share? I only have 3 shares. A guy's gotta make a profit. 3 billion and I will retire...maybe buy a boat and pay someone to go fishing for me.
actually, there's the "infinity pool" theory - hedge funds need to buy back more shares than should exist in order to close their naked short position. If apes only sell a fraction of the needed shares (i.e. you sell 1 and hang onto the rest), then the price will have to go up to infinity!
I bought 3 shares just to put a thump in their eye. I don't expect to ever see any profit from it. When required to purchase back more than exists, prices might spike 10x or 20x, then they will simply create more just like was done to create the ones they sold in the first place or stop trading and possibly charge a few with fraud. Remember the last stock that went to infinity?
I think with the GME think there's a hidden surprise, they will let it implode, we will make some money, but then the economy will crash and gone, so they can blame apes for the crash (this will also give them a way to prevent 'retail' investors to join their new trading shit)
Then they will pop up the new mainly digital currency, and provide the exchange ratio of a shit
Hope i'm wrong but it may squeeze with the worse timing ever
Best thing to do is immediately purchase gold and silver
yes, as the MOASS has potential to create a singularity in the financial world creating a black hole sucking everything into it.
hedgies liquidated then primary brokers then the clearing house then the Fed. and when that happens who knows what will happen, I'm thinking hyperinflation as they print money out of thin air to pay tendies out. so best to put tendies into something more stable than the dollar.
I’ve been eyeing up Sapphire Pendants. If anyone has a good suggestion on a place to purchase one natural and unheated, please let me know.
Well those will drop down too, but still, barter or other stuffs will indeed be worth something, another thing i'm thinking about it's terrains, but that has to be done quickly, that will bring troubles in the near future with their reset, but still, should give you enough space and time to organize with also other like minded people eventually
How dare retail investors buy and hold a stock!! They're literally destroying the entire global economy!! Reeeeeeeee!
No one is gonna believe that garbage. Anyone who does, doesn't matter anyway. They won't be investors.
They believed a fake virus with a 99.9% survival rate was so dangerous they needed to inject themselves with experimental gene serum.
If half of what honest virologists say is true, the jabbed people won't matter either in a year or two. :(
I would get out ASAP. Dont want them coming after you if you decide to give them nothing.
You will have lots of money after Moass. Those that ridicule you will soon regret that they didn't invest in gme pre-moass and envy you. They will ask you for some money (if they still know you by then) and if you say no they might go after you or your love ones just to get some of your winnings. Plan accordingly. Just saying.
yes, when MOASS happens likely will crash the markets as hedgies and then parties up the chain are liquidated. so lots of people that didn't invest in gamestop will be wiped out. and they will be mad. That's why I think it's part of the strategy, i believe it will wake a lot of people up to the wallstreet shenanigans. one way to wake people up is to mess with their money. money can be a big emotional trigger for many people.
I feel ya, ya banana-breath bastard. I'll hodl for my husband who works toooo many hours. And I'll hodl for you. You'll look pretty nice in that lambo.
Fuck ya!
Crash the economy, or crash their economy?
I'll wear that badge with honor.
MSM shilling for AMC hard... notice every “Meme stock” trader that goes on the news is holding AMC?
Distraction to keep away from GME.
GME is a better deal at this price point than AMC. There are way less shares available. There’s good DD on this, but it’s as simple as you get what you pay for.
GME = Trump
AMC = Lindsey Graham
Would you rather have 1 Trump or 5 Grahams? Clearest picture I can paint.
Facts lol. Agree with your comparison
Hahaha 😁
The answer is in the float. 75M for GME 500M AMC.
I want to redeem my tickets to the moon. I want some space tendies.
I want to work at the moon Wendy's. Not manager or anything, i'm too smooth brained. Just the tendie guy is fine.
GME, Ghilane Maxwell, Evergreen, Jan 6, and heck - the whole Russia Fisagate - they are all very much part of the strategy.
Shit, even Britney Spears seems to be part of it.
Oh hell yeah!
Hodling xxx shares. I was dying to buy the dip today,but have no more money.
Other than my emergency fund.
GameStop is a euphemism for Game Over ;)
What happened with all the mod drama? Now there's like 5 different GME subreddits.
They got rid of the troubled modes at ss. R/ gme is also good. New people can post at R/gmejungle
LoL, probably just porn screencaps.
I don’t know really I just ignore that stuff and go for the funny video memes and the DD.
My question is, how do we know what number to sell at?
Just for fun buy 4. Sell one when it buys you a car and a house and pays off your debt. Sell one when you never have to work again. Hold 2 forever to show your grandkids what diamond hands look like. (Disclaimer: I'm tits deep.)
I can feel it coming in the air tonite ... (phil collins). I' ve been waiting for this moment all my life oh Lord, oh Lord. ...
I know fuckall about finance. I know only one thing when it comes to short squeezes - and that is I hold my $GME and $AMC like they are the last bananas in the world, and to keep stacking my shinies.