I swear I think they feed into the theories just to keep the people talking and sides divided.. especially when we try to make proofs out of simple things like this LOL.... but none the less it is an interesting choice of words for a "professional message"
Tell the normies for a week about Bathouse Barry’s Big Glamorous Bash. Then have his bestie Valerie Jarrett tweet about how YOU can be a part of this fabulous event by donating to Barry’s “Presidential Center” <which by the way is NOT a presidential library; it’s a partisan shrine).
I fully believe both of these people are already in custody or have already been processed.
This is just Demonrats bilking the normies until the well runs dry.
Its part of the gaslighting. There already exists in this country deep religious or general suspicion concerning the 666 iconography. It can be used as a psychological weapon at the right time to incite a segment of the population to act out of a visceral fear of the devil or generalized fear of things occult, particularly in crowds.
Q dropped this to so we could break their comms, not just read Q's.
How about you go and pound sand Valerie! How dare you ask people to donate to this bloke who has made millions off the American people already! He can put the money in himself!!
This woman, Vallerie Jarrett, is / was one of the most evil people ever to live on this planet. She was one of Obama's satanic handlers, perhaps even the primary one with all the code words. My hope is that the rumors of justice are true. If they are not, I pray God will remember the evil she has done and bring her to justice before another sun sets on Martha's Vineyard.
The way they fetishize numbers is so gay.
The way he sits is gay...
The Number 17
‘Chip in’
Get it?
I don’t get it
I get it and NO.
I swear I think they feed into the theories just to keep the people talking and sides divided.. especially when we try to make proofs out of simple things like this LOL.... but none the less it is an interesting choice of words for a "professional message"
Yes. Exactly.
It’s all a PSYOP GRIFT.
Tell the normies for a week about Bathouse Barry’s Big Glamorous Bash. Then have his bestie Valerie Jarrett tweet about how YOU can be a part of this fabulous event by donating to Barry’s “Presidential Center” <which by the way is NOT a presidential library; it’s a partisan shrine).
I fully believe both of these people are already in custody or have already been processed.
This is just Demonrats bilking the normies until the well runs dry.
Its part of the gaslighting. There already exists in this country deep religious or general suspicion concerning the 666 iconography. It can be used as a psychological weapon at the right time to incite a segment of the population to act out of a visceral fear of the devil or generalized fear of things occult, particularly in crowds.
Q dropped this to so we could break their comms, not just read Q's.
CORONA spelled with 6 letters
C = 03
O = 15
R = 18
O = 15
N = 14
A = 01
6'''''''''66 = 666
2020 / 666 = 3.0330
These people are evil.
How about 666 lethal injections as a birthday present instead? Federally mandated, of course.
Wonder how many give $666? Hey Barry and Valerie - FU!
So, give me some money because I’m having a birthday??? Guess this will be an annual event!
At some point, you have to stop wondering "Could this be true?" Because you realized "How could this NOT be true?"
VJ is too white to be asking for money
How about you go and pound sand Valerie! How dare you ask people to donate to this bloke who has made millions off the American people already! He can put the money in himself!!
Why not offer him a free helicopter ride over the Caribbean free of charge.
No thanks don’t want to contribute to a “hot dog” party.
This woman, Vallerie Jarrett, is / was one of the most evil people ever to live on this planet. She was one of Obama's satanic handlers, perhaps even the primary one with all the code words. My hope is that the rumors of justice are true. If they are not, I pray God will remember the evil she has done and bring her to justice before another sun sets on Martha's Vineyard.
We want this to proceed. The world needs to see the hypocrisy on display.
just wanna point out that even in the URL it's 666. .org/60-(F=6)or-60
Give your own money to your "Dear Friend"