At least Aussies are resisting the vaccine and masks, unlike Americans, you're well trained, therefore, no need for camps, the whole of America is one.
I personally don't think we should read too much into this.
It's a quarantine center with so called 500 beds. I mean, there are 5,000,000 people living in Melbourne. 6.5 million in Victoria as a whole.
If they wanted to build concentration camps, they'd have to do it on a very large scale, secretly. (They might be doing that - how would we know - but is there any evidence of it?)
For me, the much more plausible and logical explanation is that it is just another of the unnecessary stupid actions the governments in Aus are all taking in order to uphold the Covid Plandemic as if it is actually real, and keep the narrative going.
It's just business as usual in a stupid government that is controlled by the minions of the Cabal (making Aussie governments minions of minions) keeping up the pretense.
I know the idea of concentration camps is sexy for some people, but that would come much later in the program, after absolute control is implemented.
This center might be a "model" for massively building such centers, I'll grant that, but in and of itself, its not worth freaking out about.
Think logically, apply rational thinking, and work the situation.
Thanks. Your comment here is logical, reasonable, and persuasive.
I'll like my scenario up above, but I do find your explanation here more persuasive.
Maybe I'm just too full of all the doom these days.
I'm fighting hard, in actual, localized ways, and I usually come to GAW for a lift and encouragement, well, and information.
Living in Danistan, and now the People's Republic of Oztralia, I'm starting to experience doom fatigue. My tolerance for reactive, negative responses is seriously hanging by a thread.
There's a lot of doom around here, and I seriously wish patriots and anons would focus more on constructive action, but yeah, your points are persuasive.
That said, your "you guys are fucked" statement is NOT helpful.
"You should be worried"
Seriously? Do you think ANYONE here is NOT worried? Anyone who has any idea what is going on?
I reject your conclusions. What you predict is what THEY want to do, and you are all but saying "they are going to be 100% successful".
I don't need it, and my compatriots don't need it. We're fighting in the trenches for our lives. Maybe you need to consider that before you are so blaze about your predictions.
You mention elsewhere that your thirst for justice is such that you can't think straight (or something like that).
Maybe that's all of us. But please, apply logical reasoning, understand the situation, but focus on the constructive, and lay off predicting doom.
thank you. i tried this just yesterday. after so many attempts. sometimes, people will just chose to believe whatever, just like MSM, its suits their narrative and agenda. people are turned on by fear.
The Australian government is not only very inept at well everything it’s also very slow. The best plan is to be annoying and slow the process down until it’s to late. They really to have finished building this in a year for it to be effective……. Good fucking luck, I don’t think I’ve seen anything be done in 5 years by our national leaders let alone 1.
The DS has already stockpiled their food. Guaranteed.
No they know who their "billion asian slaves" will be
Why run? Just burn them down and murder the guards.
At least Aussies are resisting the vaccine and masks, unlike Americans, you're well trained, therefore, no need for camps, the whole of America is one.
I personally don't think we should read too much into this.
It's a quarantine center with so called 500 beds. I mean, there are 5,000,000 people living in Melbourne. 6.5 million in Victoria as a whole.
If they wanted to build concentration camps, they'd have to do it on a very large scale, secretly. (They might be doing that - how would we know - but is there any evidence of it?)
For me, the much more plausible and logical explanation is that it is just another of the unnecessary stupid actions the governments in Aus are all taking in order to uphold the Covid Plandemic as if it is actually real, and keep the narrative going.
It's just business as usual in a stupid government that is controlled by the minions of the Cabal (making Aussie governments minions of minions) keeping up the pretense.
I know the idea of concentration camps is sexy for some people, but that would come much later in the program, after absolute control is implemented.
This center might be a "model" for massively building such centers, I'll grant that, but in and of itself, its not worth freaking out about.
Think logically, apply rational thinking, and work the situation.
"Just two weeks to flatten the curve."
"Just 500 beds."
Sounds awfully familiar, doesn't it?
Maybe you only get to sleep in the bed the first night, in the morning you get to go to the showers... 500 beds adds up quick when its per day.
Good point.
In the Nazi death camps, prisoners were sleeping 3 (or more) to a bed.
Overcrowding is to be expected.
All they need 500 people in quarantine to scare people into getting vaccinated. Since actual Covid hasn’t scared them.
Agree. That's all this is but people on this forum want it to 100000% their way aka BAD at all times so you're going to have irrationality.
Thanks. Your comment here is logical, reasonable, and persuasive.
I'll like my scenario up above, but I do find your explanation here more persuasive.
Maybe I'm just too full of all the doom these days.
I'm fighting hard, in actual, localized ways, and I usually come to GAW for a lift and encouragement, well, and information.
Living in Danistan, and now the People's Republic of Oztralia, I'm starting to experience doom fatigue. My tolerance for reactive, negative responses is seriously hanging by a thread.
There's a lot of doom around here, and I seriously wish patriots and anons would focus more on constructive action, but yeah, your points are persuasive.
That said, your "you guys are fucked" statement is NOT helpful.
Seriously? Do you think ANYONE here is NOT worried? Anyone who has any idea what is going on?
I reject your conclusions. What you predict is what THEY want to do, and you are all but saying "they are going to be 100% successful".
I don't need it, and my compatriots don't need it. We're fighting in the trenches for our lives. Maybe you need to consider that before you are so blaze about your predictions.
You mention elsewhere that your thirst for justice is such that you can't think straight (or something like that).
Maybe that's all of us. But please, apply logical reasoning, understand the situation, but focus on the constructive, and lay off predicting doom.
Signed, someone in the trenches
thank you. i tried this just yesterday. after so many attempts. sometimes, people will just chose to believe whatever, just like MSM, its suits their narrative and agenda. people are turned on by fear.
It is very simple to have hope….
The Australian government is not only very inept at well everything it’s also very slow. The best plan is to be annoying and slow the process down until it’s to late. They really to have finished building this in a year for it to be effective……. Good fucking luck, I don’t think I’ve seen anything be done in 5 years by our national leaders let alone 1.
Came here to say that I salary's your very thoughtful response. This is an excellent exchange.
Its not like we can do anything to stop it, lets be realistic
Edit: our hands are literally tied in Australia. We have helicopters flying around telling us to stay inside.
What the actual fuck people! Are you seriously rationalizing this? You have to be a plant.