Just like cockroaches, for every shill you see, there's thousands more you don't. But your mod team sees 'em. Some of these diseased shills are DIRECTLY demon-possessed. They want YOU and our patriotic cause back under their evil control. CONDITION ORANGE! Thank you, patriots! WWG1WGA!!!
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮

The equivocation is very elegantly crafted, but there's a common sense gap or disconnect.
The media would not devote one single syllable to Q if it were just a silly LARPer in his mother's basement. As it is, their breathless hyperventilated shrieking about "QAnon" being a dangerous group of terrorists broadcasts loud and clear that it's an existential threat to them and their overlords, the C_A.
Also, patriots like Trump, Pompeo, Flynn, Scavino, Wood, and Lindell would have to be literal psychopaths to keep constantly putting out Q-cues and happy, smiling videos and speeches about "coming back soon" and "the best is yet to come!" if nothing were already being done. To keep the most patriotic base of supporters hanging on a military rescue if none were forthcoming would be cruelty on an unimaginable scale. Has any of these men ever demonstrated traits of a sadistic sociopath in the past? No. So what are the odds that all six suddenly went insane simultaneously? Zero.
They either all went psycho at once and now delight in psychologically torturing Trump-supporting patriots when they know we're full-on communist from now on, or we have nothing to worry about.
This is hard for me to answer directly, so I'm going to be very delicate in how I word this. C5, please give me just a bit of leniency here to answer this.
The reason that the media is watching you isn't because they think you're legitimate or threatening to an illegitimate power structure.
They're watching you because they want to see what happens when Q fails.
When people here talk about not advocating violence, that's always under the context that there's a Plan that involves the military doing violence on your behalf. You don't need to pull out your gun, because the military is going to do it for you. They're going to hang the traitors. They're going to arrest people.
The military is the only way? Why? What exactly does the military do that can't be handled by anyone else? What is the military specializing in? Killing people and breaking things, right?
The impression on the outside isn't that you don't believe violence is necessary. Just that YOU don't need to be the ones to do it, because the military will do it for you. Someone is going to commit violence on your behalf.
And nobody outside of the Q world believes there's any chance of that happening. Which means that people outside of Q world think when you inevitably discover that the military is NOT going to arrest people, NOT going to hang traitors, and that Q is not coming to do any of the things you believe...
...then the context under which you promised non-violence no longer applies. Because your certainty in the Plan no longer exists. That's not to say that anyone in the Q movement WILL be violent, but that the promise you're making right now no longer exists, because the world in which you made that promise was revealed to be different than you thought.
And is that belief wrong? Do people here not talk about what happens if the plan fails and it's up to the people? Has nobody here openly wondered about the contingencies if Q is revealed to have failed or to have been a psyop or whatever?
Are people right now willing to commit 100% to nonviolence even if the Q plan completely fails?
That's why people who don't believe in Q are keeping an eye on this community. Because they "know" with 100% certainty that the Plan you're waiting for doesn't exist. And they are concerned about what happens when you guys realize that.
To be 100% transparent, that's not why I'm here. I've talked about my interest in the Q community too many times to be worth repeating. But there is a very viable reason that the Q community has national interest, and it's not because the outside world thinks you're "over the target." It's because they want to see what happens when you realize that you aren't.
Very well said. I wanted to comment an bit on that last sentence tho.
I dont think theyre just waiting to see what anons do if Q turns out to be fake. Denying the existence of a Q is rather easy to do but its a whole hell of a lot harder to deny what Q talked about ie, corruption, pedophelia, anti american politicians. I think everyone is watching not just to see the movement crash and burn but to see if anons actually stand up and attempt to take down corruption themselves. I think a massive peaceful movement like this, if it should ever turn violent, would influence simmilar groups around the world.
So if I understand what you're saying properly, if Q never existed then people would have already stood up and fought back, violently.
If I understand you properly, the main function of Q up until this point has been to pacify people who would otherwise not have been pacified.
The existence of Q has brought peace where people would have fought back if they didn't think the US military was going to intervene.
If that were true, one would think that the people who hate Q so much, who are vehemently against the idea of Q ... that they would actually promote it as being real (because it pacifies people who would have fought back long ago).
According to you, it's not Q who riled people up into wanting to fight. It's Q who pacified people who would have fought anyway.
That makes Q beneficial to you and everyone who can't stand Q.
Which is why I question whether you're even being genuine. If a flood of patriots were going to stand up (violently) against forced vaccinations, the presidency being stolen, etc. ... and Q ended up being a dam preventing that flood from becoming violent, why are you trying so hard to tear down the dam?
I have written and deleted two long posts trying to answer this question in a way that won't piss you off, and I'm not sure that I can. Suffice it to say that most people on my side are not convinced that this explosion you're warning about would have ever been possible if not for people like Trump, Lindell, Q, and others painting a picture of a threat for you that non-Q people do not believe actually exists.
From that perspective, whether or not you think Q is regulating the anger in your movement right now, that anger is based off narratives that people like Q and others have told you, and they are not narratives I am convinced have a strong basis in reality, and therefore that anger wouldn't necessarily exist this intensely without their false legitimization of it.
The threat of forced vaccinations, the revelation of Epstein island, the massive "F" shaped spikes on election night, the obvious pandering to China's interests.
All the above is visible to the naked eye, even if Trump, Mike Lindel and Q never existed.
Pizzagate kicked off at least a year and a half, maybe two years, before Q made his first post. Those who were concerned were manhandled by the media and social platforms in a Chinaesque depravation of free speech and it was long before Q, Trump or Mike Lindel.
And now your argument appears to be that people thought Q was real, Q radicalized us all into being more violent than we would have otherwise been ... but somehow we're all supposed to
but also, at the same time
That makes no sense whatsoever.
They're going to be very pleasantly surprised.
Hey, regardless of which way it goes, I'm here for the whole ride.
Some of the things we expect to see will make some people's heads pop. You'll be fine, IMO, but Q wrote that the truth would put 99% of people in the hospital. The phrase, "Fuck them, release it and let the chips fall where they may" is something incredibly arrogant that I hear said far too often in our movement. The arrogance is, what, EVERYONE here is in the 1%?? That's so nuts. And also, "Fuck them"??
That's why the sidebar has the part in it that it does where it says "you shouldn't be here" if you want this
Mostly the same thing which would normally happen if there would be never Q.
Some pissed out people. Maybe some extremists stoped by the hope military will do things they dreamed instead of them.
If governments would do things they do ("vaccine",taking guns in USA and so on) there would be resistance the same like it would be without Q.The only difference is it will not grow gradually but will blow.
The only real difference if Q wouldn't work will be about Trump,Flynn,Lindell and so on... From perceived heroes to public enemies in one day. If Q would fail,if Q and military would not be true.
As Sun Tzu said:
Why is it so ?
It isn't about winning possible civil war.It is about winning it before it happens. What civil war would cause ? The same thing like internal sabotage done by traitors in government but faster. If external enemy is for example China and internal enemy is cooperating with China "winning" civil war against internal enemy is already probably losing to China bit later. This is why military would be only way.
Kill and break things XD This thing can do anybody... Doing it so effective loses are controlled or relatively minimal requires specialists however. Afganistan "looks lost" now. Ok. But why it was attacked years ago with use of army instead of being nuked to ash ? Doesn't USA have nukes ? Or Iraq. Why USA not burned Iraq to ashes ? By the way - you saw probably "Black Hawk Dawn". US army suffered big loses after getting into a trap in Mog. How big were the loses of Aidid militia however ?
Sidebar = leniency, as long as sidebar is upheld, say whatever you like. 😎
Respectfully, no. Your thinking re the military is extremely myopic. Expand your thinking. Just as a lot of people don't realize that Federal Express is a bigger "airline" than United Airlines (they have more planes), if the you looked at the highest concentration of lawyers, the military could qualify as the biggest law firm in the country.
The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ, 64 Stat. 109, 10 U.S.C. §§ 801–946) is the foundation of military law in the United States, and, quite frankly, it can be said, the entire world.
That's the Q team. That's what you're seeing right now.
Nobody here is expecting "teh military" to flood the streets to save our precious Trump. As much as we love him, we are more concerned about the restoration of the rule of law—which, if you investigate the USM's mission, it is the final arbiter (albeit of last resort, which is where we are headed).
One thing I noticed very strongly about your participation here is that, despite health reasons and intelligent you clearly are it's the way you approached this, your interrogatory framework crosses the water, but never connects to the land. It doesn't take you anywhere. When presented with information that clearly, clearly disputes your interpretation of the facts at hand, you just double down and rephrase. That's sad, because the FUN is in watching this unfold.
This is about to be AMAZING.
I don’t deny that I do sometimes rephrase rather than directly answer a question, but my reasoning is usually to avoid being dragged into a conservation that I wasn’t already having.
The thing about Q is that there are really no smoking guns; it’s about networking Q posts to possible habbenings and deltas and shared quotes and such. Discussions about the validity of any one piece of evidence usually require me to have a conversation about ten other pieces of evidence that may support that piece, and now I have to evaluate those pieces too, which are supported by their own network of maybes.
And I’m usually being asked to do that on multiple fronts by multiple users about roughly the same topics, and almost everyone is looking to drag me to a different area of Q world to discuss.
I’m not complaining. I know what I signed up for and am happy to do my best. But it does mean that I try to have discussions one at a time and not let them get too far into the weeds.
And when someone asks me a question that I feel like I either already answered in the thread, or is a question in response to what I feel may be a misunderstanding of my point, I prefer to clarify what I was saying rather than let the misunderstanding go.
BUT, I am not sensitive to being criticized. If you feel like I’m unfairly dodging a question, call me the fuck out, and if I don’t know how to answer it, I’ll admit it.