for a long time now, the vaccine pushers have been claiming that in order for us to protect those who can't be vaccinated, everyone else must be vaccinated.
they tell us that "the immune compromised" are depending on everyone else to get vaccinated, so that they don't die young, of a vaccine preventable infection.
they tell us that the "immune compromised" have... well... a compromised immune system.
but what they don't tell us is that oftentimes, their immune system was "compromised" by vaccines!
and so now they want everyone else, that is, the heathy majority, to compromise their healthy immune systems with vaccines, in order to protect the minority of people who already had their immune system compromised by vaccines.
they tell us that the immune compromised can't be vaccinated,
or that that the immune compromised won't have a proper response to a vaccine, (or an infection),
and thats why everyone else needs to vaccinate.
so why now are they pushing for a THIRD vaccine for the immune compromised?
Because slaves require being reminded they are slaves every once in a while. Don't worry, a third shot is coming for everyone else soon enough. No child left behind!
lol...booster for immunocompromised everyone who took the first two shots then?
heroin junkie: i shoot up, to stay well.
vaccine junkie: i shoot up, to stay well.
#SnakeOil confirmed.
i like to ask people, if the reason they are planning on getting a flu shot every year for the rest of their life, is "because vaccines work"...
I’m immunocompromised. They can allll of my ass. I’m not getting the thing.
This plandemic is completely fake.
Where are the medical teams rushing to vaccinate homeless? Exactly.
Meanwhile they are threatening Americans that are currently working with vax demands tying that to their freedom.
nurse: works over a year, providing care for covid patients, now must get vaccine or be fired.
door to door vaccines.
people commenting about US fed health dept knocking on the door.
they tried to mask the vaccinated, to make them turn against the un-vaccinated,
divide and conquer.
It’s weird how they never held sweepstake lottos to bribe diabetics to take insulin.
I guarantee THIS will be where they lose a bunch of VAX'd people who regretted taking it. They won't take it again and will just as demonized as us clean bloods. Our numbers will grow even larger.
the single biggest motivator for anti-vaccine activism (on twitter) is first hand personal experience with a vaccine.
when Biden made his vaccine speech, [must see]
Biden specifically appealed to those who took ONE shot, but hadn't taken the other.
He sounded so loving, and caring, and phony as hell...
But the fact that he was imploring people to take the SECOND jab,
implies that these people had already taken the FIRST jab,
and they NOPE'd tf out on the second jab.
so what that means, is that a whole bunch of people were "pro-vaccine" enough to get the first shot, and yet had such a bad experience with the jab, that they became "anti-vaccine" toward the second jab.
and to me, that says a lot about how their vaccine narrative is failing.
I think they might intentionally be pushing both narratives right now: both the pro-injection and anti-injection side. I think that explains why so many reactions to the injection were allowed to go viral. Like that first three-shot of the three faces with Bells Palsy. Then Tiffany Dover. This also explains why the CDC and Fauci and Biden and the media keep flip flopping on every issue. It’s like they set Covid and the injection up to divide along political lines. They want all the Democrat voters to be gung ho for the injection and all the Trump supporters to oppose it. This then acts as an identification system, since voting is anonymous and it’s actually not that easy to tell how you voted just by appearance or location, especially not if you want to be sure.
The injection, and then creating division around the injection, has worked perfectly to identify where people stand: do you submit your will to the corporate media or do you think independently?
This is why TDS morphed into CDS - Covid Derangement Syndrome. When it was TDS, the leftists couldn’t effectively discriminate against us unless we openly wore a MAGA hat. By switching from Trump to Covid, they now have their thin justification for revenge: by rejecting the injection (by supporting Trump), we put THEIR health at risk, therefore we must submit to their authority. There was no way for them to do any of this when we were only Trump supporters. They had to reframe Trump support as something different, and they settled on reframing us as “spreaders of disease”.
I think this might even be why they set it up as two injections. One injection wouldn’t have been enough to establish true submission. They needed people to submit to that second injection too, because once the concept of a “second injection” is accepted, then there is no logical reason to reject a third injection or a fourth. This then allows them to use injections as a perpetual litmus test for compliance. They have, essentially, eliminated the anonymity of the vote with a fake pandemic. How many of us who have been a little more cloaked in our Trump support because of profession or location were suddenly exposed and identified as not submitting to the media narrative with Covid? You couldn’t really hide it anymore. If you thought Russian Collusion and Jussie Smollett were bullshit, you could hide that by just not talking about it. But this? It was much harder to hide your opinion on Covid from other people.
it sounds like the FDA wants to cull the flock of all the sickly sheep. IF the first two shots didn't do you in, then lets try a third. :-/
Thats wonderful, destroy what little immune system they have left. I guess they figure that they can finish off the weaker of society. Because fark them I guess.
the government has a perverse incentive to have as many "useless eaters" die as soon as possible... to save the environment, of course.