Dr. Shiva said the same thing during a livestresm in November. I remember him saying that Hillary wouldn't have been able to do this, so they needed someone like Trump to get us on board. Love him all you want, but the lockdowns, masks, and vaccines started with Trump's administration and he never did anything to end them except wag a stern finger.
The lockdowns were a cover for military exercises to take place without terrifying the public. The school and other closings were to prevent FFs. The cabal is not afraid to use any means. We were kept safe. It had to be this way. Keep faith!!
Good grief, the number of people who STILL don't get Trump's M.O. (not you)
The man doesn't MAKE empty promises he can't keep.
He doesn't PLAY 2-D chess.
He doesn't LET himself get taken advantage of and then leave office without laying waste to his opponents by declassifying literally everything unless he KNEW the military op would proceed according to Plan.
He's taunting Do You Miss Me Yet? because he's coming back in the near future. Anyone who seriously thinks he would do this WITHOUT a plan for making it happen has simply not been paying attention for the past 5 years.
HOLY FUCK does it feel like The Swamp is about to DRAIN !!!
The swamp has already been well and truly drained. Now we need to hunt the exposed swamp creatures.
Well the swamp fuckers are still there. I don't consider that drained.
Draining the swamp doesn't get rid of the monsters, it just exposes them.
Dr. Shiva said the same thing during a livestresm in November. I remember him saying that Hillary wouldn't have been able to do this, so they needed someone like Trump to get us on board. Love him all you want, but the lockdowns, masks, and vaccines started with Trump's administration and he never did anything to end them except wag a stern finger.
The lockdowns were a cover for military exercises to take place without terrifying the public. The school and other closings were to prevent FFs. The cabal is not afraid to use any means. We were kept safe. It had to be this way. Keep faith!!
"Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean BIG things aren't happening." - Q
Trump can't keep doing this without delivering.
Ergo Trump knows he can't keep doing this without delivering.
Good grief, the number of people who STILL don't get Trump's M.O. (not you)
The man doesn't MAKE empty promises he can't keep.
He doesn't PLAY 2-D chess.
He doesn't LET himself get taken advantage of and then leave office without laying waste to his opponents by declassifying literally everything unless he KNEW the military op would proceed according to Plan.
He's taunting Do You Miss Me Yet? because he's coming back in the near future. Anyone who seriously thinks he would do this WITHOUT a plan for making it happen has simply not been paying attention for the past 5 years.
Who killed JFK?