Maybe they do, maybe they don't.
Sometimes in poker you get your opponent to fold their hand by bluffing or you hold a full house and let them think you are bluffing.
I think we saw enough even without the pcaps to say we have it all.
Forensic images for before and after a dominion update proving they deleted logs. That alone is enough to decertify the county and that will start a chain reaction.
imagine if you will that was a premonitionary assertion that is still coming to fruition chess piece by chess piece. it means they will have it all, its as certian as if its already true
if you've got a flop flush with 5 people at the table, you don't go all-in to take down the chip leader... you slow play to pull chips from the whole table.
But i thought they already "had it all"??
Maybe they do, maybe they don't. Sometimes in poker you get your opponent to fold their hand by bluffing or you hold a full house and let them think you are bluffing.
I think we saw enough even without the pcaps to say we have it all.
Forensic images for before and after a dominion update proving they deleted logs. That alone is enough to decertify the county and that will start a chain reaction.
I agree, the pcaps are only part of the picture. The forensic audits will help fill in the rest.
imagine if you will that was a premonitionary assertion that is still coming to fruition chess piece by chess piece. it means they will have it all, its as certian as if its already true
if you've got a flop flush with 5 people at the table, you don't go all-in to take down the chip leader... you slow play to pull chips from the whole table.