The so called January 6th insurrection. According to Clown Joe was the "worst Attack on our Democracy since the Civil War"
People were arrested because of January v 6th. They are still in jail months later. The Democrats are trying to write new laws to protect against more "insurrection" The Dept of Homeland Insecurity is telling everyone that anyone who question the election is most likely a future terriorist.
They are doing all this stuff claiming the future of America hangs in the balance.
For you clowns that believe this nonsense please answer this one question.
Being that President Trump "started this insurrection" and he is still questioning the election I keep wondering why he has not been arrested.
According to the left President Trump was so disliked he lost this election to a buffoon.
Why has President Trump not been arrested yet?
There is only one answer I can come up with and it is a one word answer.
Everything else is a lie
PS Looking at Joe's statement that this was the worst attack on our Democracy since the Civil War
We don't live in a Democracy so maybe he is saying something else. Being that the Civil War was also against the "Democracy" of the Democrats at the time.
They would love nothing more than for Patriots to pick up arms and begin an insurrection in earnest. That would accomplish their goal of bringing in a mercenary UN "peacekeeping" army and fill thier FEMA camps and the hundreds of thousands of stored plastic coffins. The surest and quickest way o get there would be to arrest President Trump.
OP is correct and your logic is flawed.
Respectfully, I disagree.
They don't want 100% of Patriots to pick up arms, because honestly, I think Patriots would win. They want a small insurrection that they can easily use to make an example. That would allow them to bring in UN, etc.
Arresting Trump would only serve to unify Patriots. And that's a force too large for them to control.
The Patriots would be slow to react. Its a big step from trying to legally remedy this situation to armed revolt. The plans are already in place to bring in the mercenarys. Biden has already invited the UN to scrutinize our culture. The death cult is just waiting for the spark. That is what a color revolution is.
They are trying to goad us into revolt. Thats the only way they can complete this before the entirety of the population wakes up. I agree with you that if 100% are fully involved, either actively or behind the scenes with support, they stand no chance.
Thanks Friend!
OK ... I hear you about the UN thing, but u need to understand and everyone else. The first blue helmet that shows up in our streets and everything for their shock troops to their strategic command HQ will be ashes within days. ASHES.
Let us pray.
I am an old man but that is definitely a hill I will die on.
The idea of the UN coming to America is hilarious to me. They'd be shot in the streets.
What makes them so sure that We The People couldn't defeat the UN peacekeepers?
We the People in its entirety would surely defeat them. But I feel that it wouldnt be so that the Patriots recieve somewhere near 100% support. Maybe 2% of the population would actively engage. Another 20% may be brave enough to provide active support. The rest would stay on the fence until the winning side was a forgone conclusion. Thats human nature.
And the definition of "peacekeepers" is in doubt. The bumbling idiots they roll out now would crumble easily. But how do we know that those "peacekeepers" the death cult calls upon wont all have Chinese names and Chinese faces and Chinese military training? How do we even know that these "peacekeepers" arent already on our shores?
I believe they are already here, perhaps not in large enough numbers yet, and hidden from view until a spark ignites the world.
And they are in Canada too in the guise of security guarding their gas fields and infrastructure in western Canada, invited in by twinkle toes and the first law he passed upon taking office. The name of the law escapes me at the moment but you should research it.
They are here in our Universities and Tech Centers. We have been invaded without even raising a fuss. Our open southern border is a sieve where military aged men enter without hassle.
We need to wake up. We are at War and they have the advantage atm.
Our greatest strength is the vast pool of former and active duty military Patriots. Which at this point is as much assumption as it is hard fact.