posted ago by ifififififokiedokie ago by ifififififokiedokie +60 / -2

He said something like "china and russia would like nothing more than for the US to continue to ease tensions in Afghanastan"

Then commented later that we have more pertinent issues to face, implying the troops will be needed elsewhere.

Also the withdrawal was INCREDIBLY hasty...


So what does this mean? Are they going to use this as a reason to really start WW3?

I'm actually surprised how logical he sounded generally. It's true, if the Afghans can't fight for themselves why the fuck are we there.

EDIT: I can't believe I'm saying this but I agree with him here:

"If the taliban attacks our troops the response will be swift and forceful... we will defend our people with devastating force if necessary"

But this means that this is actually a considerable escalation, even though it seems like a de-escalation at first. They will obviously attack, and he is literally going to go nuclear. Holy fuck.