Here we go - please pray for us.
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Americans kept their guns. How's that working out for us? Everyone on this board shrieks at anyone who says anything about actually using them.
I'm still free.
This. And it's not just guns, it's millions of ex military trained to kill even bare handed, it's laborers with access to demolition class heavy machinery, it's IT nerds who can bring down an entire network at will. The cabal can't do a thing, they know it's a death sentence. Remember, the truckers have never played their trump card, they're waiting too. What does the cabal do when they alone shut down and close off every major city? They fold to the overwhelming will of the people.
Oh shit I forgot about trucker boycotts.
Something I’m seeing more and more especially after Afghanistan, it is rural versus city and a city is a sitting duck.
Saved me from saying it. Dudes not firing on all cylinders, not seeing the obvious.
I was in SAC-Strategic Air Command which was 2/3 of our nuclear triad. Nuclear bombers, ICBM’s and Naval sub/cruiser nuke launching platforms. We were bombers/ICBMs in USAF-SAC. “Peace Through Strength” or “Peace Through Superior Firepower”. Deterrence works. Here’s what most Americans DON’T GET about our tyrannical enemies (excluding our own madmen)...tyrants, dictators and their regimes RESPECT only one thing about their enemies; strength. Saddam Hussein as an example-he and his Sons were extreme tyrants literally snatching up women and men off the streets for rape & torture games. Was it just for fun? No. It struck FEAR in entire neighborhoods. Nobody bucked the regime. They were Sunni muslim Arabs-Sunnis aligned with Saudi believe Mohammed is God’s prophet. They comprised about 5% of Iraq!!! Shiites aligned with Iran believe Mohammed’s nephew was God’s prophet comprised 90-95% with a smattering of Christians in the Kurdish North. Point being, Saddam at 5% controlled the rest using FEAR=strength. Here in America/West we are mainly Christian and our God is forgiving and kind. Our athiest-communist foes and tyrannical muslim foes ONLY RESPECT violence/strength AND HENCE THE NEED FOR NUKES. Of course nobody wants’s the need for DETERRENCE.
👆👆👆THIS 👆👆👆
This Pede really gets it. This shit is being done to people in direct correlation to gun owner density.
Yep, for much of the USA the lockdowns were mostly "inconvenient" (excluding job loss) than actually harsh as the brownshirt cops aren't willing to actually go door-to-door when it's a coin flip if they'll get shot at by the occupant or some of their closest neighbors.