**"Donald Trump is rich, ruthless and famous.... you don't want to cross him, because he likes getting even.
AND he's made it a rule that no one pushes him around.....EVER.
Just a reminder of who Trump is and always has been, his entire life.
What else did he recently "lose" that people say he will "never get back again"??
Ring any bells????
Watch the first 3 min of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4CqF4hjCGI
They KNEW the election steal would happen and they recorded every mote of data. The Audits ARE KEY, and you’re giving the DS too much creds. The ONLY WAY to fix elections is to show every which way they did it. They’re panicking about everyone’s awakening and the Audits...hence incoming distractions from both. Their power is dwindling...it’s PANIC IN DC. Where’s Joe? Has Kamala given-up? They’re WEAK.
I hear you, but if we look in the win\lose column, I pretty much see a string of win for DS, and not many loses, so far. One can attribute some of that to the "a basket of fruit never un-rots" analogy, but the destruction of our institutions, our society, and our freedoms is not occurring at a natural rate, is being driven to occur, and continuing the rot process is a down hill event, where as reversing the rot, is nearly straight up hill.
Would you agree with the premise that "time is not on our side"? What effort is required in order for the masses to restore the US to a place of virtuous living? Truth is it take a lot of effort, by every member of society, and there is no chance of this happening without God underpinning our national character. Then how much effort does it take for society to continue rotting? Why it take no effort at all. Becoming bad is the result of not doing good, where as being good, is not the result of not being bad, it is the result of doing good.
Their power is dwindling - what evidence do we really have that the DS level of power, on a practical level is dwindling. Assuming that as has always been, that we see only what they want us to see, how do we know what they are holding in reserve. For example, do we really know how far along Google is in it's development of AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), or for that matter ASI (Artificial Super Intelligence). The advent of AGI, will speed up the race to ASI, and if we don't have solid plans in place to make sure ASI is human friendly well before ASI come into being, we are all in great danger of extinction. (Read Our Final Invention by James Barrat.)
A computer logicboad can have voltages in a range of 115 to 125 volts without sensing an over/under voltage condition, in other words, no degrading of function, and a half dead rattle snake can still kill you, so I would not put much hope into a weakening DS machine cause one of it's cylinders has taken to misfiring.
Well done. I was in a hyper-optimistic mode getting fired-up for this weekend's Rally and Trump's comment on Hannity last eve about not being able to say when his return would be had me pumped. Then after reading some doomer comments I went into optimism-mode. The root of Truth I think in your well written observations is it really has to take a mass awakening behond what we're seeing, and I also believe God's knocking us down a few pegs in this process. We've usurped our freedoms, and are in phase-4 of civilization where bad times make strong men. Only this time it's for keeps and the cycle may not renew. Thanks for putting me back on track Pede. Respect 👍🏼
In my view, the most logical proof is this. I can never say it the way quite like I want to, but I'll ask you to think about this carefully.
Simple statement: Based on the little/big dog analogy.
The fact that we see little happening, is proof that much is happening. If nothing was happening, we would be hearing much.
Reasoning behind statement:
We know from a life of past behavior that Trump is NOT doing nothing. Therefore he is doing something. That we are hearing nothing is proof that that something carries force, is substantial.
It's the dog that does not bark, is the one you must worry about. And the old farmers saying is, "What goes into the flower, does not go into the root".
We know that a large portion of our military sees the abject destruction of our country every bit as clearly as we do. We know that they are NOT doing nothing. If they were doing nothing, we would be hearing barks from every corner. Therefore, they are doing something.
A bad ass pitbull, when unchained will rarely ever bark right up to the time he attacks. That we hear no bark from the patriot military says to me that their are some bad as pitbulls building up to attack.
Ask yourself this. From what group or people would you expect eventual action from. Then notice how silent those powers have been.
Again, I have not stated this very well. Maybe with your superior brain, you still might be able to see some sense in it.
Nobody's superior in my book. You've made some excellent analogies that tbh I'm gonna memorize. I can't imagine serving in Uniform now...vaxx threats notwithstanding. However we see less than a few percent of the "happenings", and public image reflects what's projected in the media. As this thread started I was being too heavy with the optimism & then you regrounded me. 👍🏼 I'm firmly rooted in Trusting The Plan...Trump 3 interviews in 36 hrs, Biden left with 7 suitcases on Marine-1, Kamala disowning everything. Yeah China & Russia are Afghanistan's puppet masters now and it's back to human atrocity story hour over there...BUT WE GOT VICTORIOUS AUDITS!! (and fukit I'm headed to the Rally so...) 😎 🇺🇸
I think AI can be our moral guide. Check out EmersonAI and GPT-3 for a taste of what is to come.