Pretty much the only reason to buy them is sport or fight off da tyrants, violent crime is pretty much non existent in most areas of Australia we're too friendly to hurt anyone so no one defends themselves just use fists mate have a punch on
Here's some gun stats in Australia,the Sporting Shooters/Shooters union one is not
up to date,but probably more accurate than the other one in relation to illegal guns.
For non Australians the SSAA is a bit like the NRA in the US.
They are both long and bit complex. On the SSAA one,scroll down the heading 4
Firearms registration.
Perhaps but what TYPE of guns can you own / buy in Australia?
My understanding is you can pretty much only own single shot long guns; no semi-auto rifles and certainly nothing like any sort of AR15....
Really when you think about it, one shot is enough.... you just have to have the balls to use it properly, which it appears nobody in the world does...
This is why the DS is having a hard time with the USA. It's not even using the guns it's the fact in America we have more guns than people .
Sometime not using something and just keeping it for " just in case " will keep the wolves at bay. For now
Absolutely they would ...hell , even with no gun. Start kissing the fucks up side the head with a baseball bat. Or axe ...or what ever.
Just fight back ..
Aussies also let there guns be taken away. This is why you never let them take your guns ever.
You know we can still buy guns in Australia right? Not everyone sold their guns back to the government but most did.
Well then your all just a bunch of giant panzies.
Pretty much the only reason to buy them is sport or fight off da tyrants, violent crime is pretty much non existent in most areas of Australia we're too friendly to hurt anyone so no one defends themselves just use fists mate have a punch on
Watches video again.
I mean, really, what about knives, swords, or spears? Quite effective in close quarters and easy to make.
Start using them on these commies then.
This. All you need is one shot at a time, but the more important part is the balls to use that one shot, which apparently nobody in the world has.
Riots never came to Spokane WA even though they were happening for months straight only a few hours away in Portland OR.
I was ready to protect my community. Lots of pedes across the nation feel that way.
Here's some gun stats in Australia,the Sporting Shooters/Shooters union one is not up to date,but probably more accurate than the other one in relation to illegal guns. For non Australians the SSAA is a bit like the NRA in the US.
They are both long and bit complex. On the SSAA one,scroll down the heading 4 Firearms registration.
On the one,open the Gun Numbers Stockpiles
muh man
Perhaps but what TYPE of guns can you own / buy in Australia? My understanding is you can pretty much only own single shot long guns; no semi-auto rifles and certainly nothing like any sort of AR15....
Really when you think about it, one shot is enough.... you just have to have the balls to use it properly, which it appears nobody in the world does...
BB guns lol.
Didnt you guys watch Road Warrior. Hell friggen Mel Gibsons from Australia. Crickey mate!
This is why the DS is having a hard time with the USA. It's not even using the guns it's the fact in America we have more guns than people . Sometime not using something and just keeping it for " just in case " will keep the wolves at bay. For now
Would you try to take a child from an American home? For all you know they could own a 50cal
Absolutely they would ...hell , even with no gun. Start kissing the fucks up side the head with a baseball bat. Or axe ...or what ever.
Just fight back ..
Servants of Moloch have no need of guns.
Amen to that.
I have lots kids, guns, and ammunition.
Wanna come over to find out which one you can have?
Only when/if we have to. I pray that that time is never.
Spoken like a true glowfag
Retard alert.
Nice try.