10% of people were wearing masks 2 days ago at the grocery store and today it's up to 60%. A lot of local stores have put up signs requiring masks again.
Guess they've ramped up the covid panic to cover Afghanistan and the Arizona Audit reports.
10% of people were wearing masks 2 days ago at the grocery store and today it's up to 60%. A lot of local stores have put up signs requiring masks again.
Guess they've ramped up the covid panic to cover Afghanistan and the Arizona Audit reports.
Last attempt at control on the deepstates part.
Yeppers... and here in my Illinois town - they have opened up a damn china flu testing site again!!!!! WTF??? If dumbass people would stop the damn testing - this crap would be over!
Illinois is SUCH a beautiful state but it's run by SUCH corrupt creeps.
Stolen elections by chicago commies for 4 decades. Look at voting results per county. We have ALWAYS been a red state.
I know!!! I drive by land with such beautiful black dirt - and beautiful sites - only to remember it's being run by Chicago sleaze-bags!
Love that state - I grew up there. But man. The corruption. The taxes.
indeed it is
Alabama: Was at a local shop the other day and met a fellow patriot (unmasked) who hailed me, thankful to see some "intelligence". She turned out to be a virologist with a phd and confirmed that they have NOT isolated the corona virus. She also agrees that parasites are the culprits for many "diseases" and said a good ol' dewormer could be had at Tractor Supply! We exchanged #s.
South Jersey is actually getting better. Last week almost 90%, these last few days it's around 40% masked. I kind of see most of them as victims at this point. There was also a Phish concert in AC and people that went told me they barely saw anyone masked. I think it was around 40k there.
That's great!
Yeah hardly any one masked at Phish. Was great.
A few weeks ago we went from 0 to 98% after the gov mandate went into effect. So many "rule followers" here. ugh.
We don't even have a government mandate - that's part of what is so discouraging. People are just doing it voluntarily! And businesses are voluntarily requiring the masks for all.
I hate the way this hoax is changing Americans into cowardly traitors. We walked into a thrift store without masks and I whistle or sing as I go along and this older masked couple sees us and calls to the cashier, "Aren't we supposed to be wearing masks?" (you're SUPPOSED to be an AMERICAN) :/ and she tells him, "Only if you want to..." They seemed disappointed. I swear people WANT to oppress their fellow Americans!
I like making eye contact with masked people glaring at me and smiling REAL BIG. I've never yet had one continue the glare. They cut away.
Oh, I've been yelled at. Something about me seems to enrage middle aged soy boys. If, after you've been yelled at, you tell your soy aggressor, "I'll pray for you," it REALLY pisses them off.
I get glared at by Karens all the time but the Karens are diffused by my too wide wolfish smile. They can tell I'm ready to out-Karen them.
A big smile has always been my best defense. It also pisses off the mask freaks to see you aren't immediately demolished by their attempt to police you. Power hungry little creeps.
Exact thing happened to me two hours ago near Madison Wisconsin. Not a word. Had to go to the counter to order too. No one in line said anything and no one working there did either. There were a few other unmasked probably slightly less than it fifty/fifty.
This is stateside - a semi-rural East Coast town where a lot of people commute into the big city for work.
Glad to hear that people are standing up near you.
Not here. Same 5% in masks as there were last Sunday.
CDC changed guidance again and many Health Departments have adjust directives and mandates.
Our dictator here in NC re mandated. I will not comply
Was that within the last two days?
My assumption was some people watched something on tv.
I saw someone walking out of a store with a new tv and I couldn’t help but think they’re purchasing their access to propaganda-vision. Buying their ticket to indoctrination on the big screen. It felt a little surreal. Because really everything on tv has an agenda. For entertainment now for me it’s anime or edu-tainment for learning new skills.
Was thinking about going to a cool retro drive in theatre for a date night, but 0% of what’s playing interests me at all. And I’d rather not support the Hollywood pedos anyway.
I used to like anime a lot but a lot of the people I know who went gender queer were into it and I worry it might be doing something weird to people's brains. My Dad even asked my sister (when she was drunk) if she thought anime made her a lesbian and she said "yeah, I think that's very possible." I love the plot lines etc but I've just encountered too many people who've gotten into weird stuff watching it to think it's innocent. My husband is also worried about how sexualized young people are in some of the shows....
It’s a medium. There’s all sorts of content. There’s plenty I don’t watch because it’s weird or indeed sexualized, just like regular tv. What’s popular and available in the west on Netflix will be similar to what’s already here. I tend to seek out different stuff that’s subtitled.
I think some authors research history when they are creating their fiction and discover the truth.
Shows such as Code Geass (a British elite ruling the world and interested in occultism vs the people who wish to set up their government) and Fullmetal Alchemist (a young man who discovers the corruption of his country through his military service where the government is in search of a red stone created through the mass sacrifice of human lives where wars have been started for its creation). These are really interesting stories.
I have also watched a lot of great stories about friendship and achieving something and not hookup romance. There’s some good youth culture stuff that there’s an absolute vacuum for here. Like shows about being on a baseball team or being in band or joining a unique club. All middle schoolers have is Disney sitcoms. For boys especially anime has shows that inspire the inner warrior.
Like anything else though anime shouldn’t be someone’s whole personality. I think some people are childish or aspire too much to be like the fantastical characters they see and try to emulate them. Fantasy is for entertainment or temporary escapism, not role modeling. And unfortunately there is a vacuum of good role modeling for youth to adulthood and some get lost. I understand how when the real world sucks. I have always been guided by my Christian foundation and avoided what I thought was odd.
Here in --------- County, Oregon our evil "leaders" have re-established an indoor (and now, outdoor!) mask mandate and the slave sheeple are obeying. I saw a total of one (other) person unmasked in a large grocery store and one unmasked in a big home improvement supplies store. All employees fully diapered-up in both places. Looks like they are not confronting people directly but the signs are back up, and lots of dirty looks being given.
Must be that horrific delta variant that is much less dangerous than the previous one.
I wonder how long this mandate will last before ppl just start ignoring it?
Ugh. The state mandates are horrible.
We don't even have a mandate here in my East Coast state. People are just masking voluntarily out of the blue. At the store today, I kept going around loudly asking my husband "what do they think changed in the last 24 hours?" While getting dirty looks from the mask cucks.
There are signs up here too but we ignore them. Last week, a WalMart employee chased our daughter-in-law around the store yelling at her to put on a mask. DIL, just kept saying, "No, I will not." She did her shopping, checked out, and left. Our 8 yo grandson thought it was hilarious and has been asking to go back so that they can be chased around the store again.
Baaaaaassssseeedddddd! Hahaahah! What a story!
This upcoming week will likely be the next chase scene.
I still ignore every mask sign in Arizona
People are revolting so they must pay. Even fauci openly threatens now. " Get the shot and end the suffering ". Riiight. That's what the sheep thought the first round and now they tell them wear masks even if ur vaxxed, along with boosters incoming.
Yep. My favorite thrift store is now mandating masks for all (even the fully vaccinated). Too bad. I'd enjoyed shopping there but I won't support a business that's mandating masks voluntarily, without a state mandate.
Clay "Howdy Doody" Jenkins instituted a mandate for our area.
I take my mask but haven't had to wear it yet. I see a mix of people.
I am not going to put on one. Mandates are NOT LAW.
Washington state has gone back to strongly encouraging masks.
I'm a former lefty myself and take it from me, they're playing you. Don't you remember the War on Terror? It's the same playbook.
"Invisible enemies lurk among us! We need to wiretap you without a warrant for your own good! If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear! Give up all your rights now!"
The left did a pretty good job seeing through the War on Terror bs and accurately critiqued the complete removal of our rights under the Patriot Act. Won't you stand up for your rights again now? What is it about this "invisible enemy" that makes you so eager to hand over everything you are entitled to as an American citizen?
What evidence have you seen? What are your sources? Are you relying on the same special interest funded mainstream media that trotted out the 24 hour fear porn during the whole course of the Bush administration? The same media that misled Americans about WMDs?
Leftists are generally well educated. You know what hegemony is. You know what soft power is. You probably learned some Foucault in college. Have you encountered his theory of Biopower?
Same here in central Florida. Lots of masks suddenly. Must be muh delta fear...