Mask nazis tend to shy away.
We’re re masking here in Charlotte and I’m thiiis close to just saying “go fuck yourself” to the first person that mask shames me. We walked out of a restaurant last night bc masks required.
In all seriousness, men get in shape; literally nothing bad comes from it and we need strong bands of brothers for what is coming.
Work out as if your life depends on it. Because, it literally does.
yh gonna remember this when going to the gym.
You’re right man. I’ve always been in decent shape, but our country is obviously extremely unhealthy as a whole. Been thinking about grown men I know that are “healthy” by comparison bc they’re not obese but likely can’t do more than 2 pull-ups… LFG!
I went from a big ole fatty to a tall hot woman...a yuge smile does wonders...i will not deprive the world of it.
And the ladies need real men, not soy boys, to help protect and provide security. Where have all the real men gone. Oh that’s right, 8hr a day on damn video games. Pointless waste.
Yes please 💪🏼🇺🇸
I have noticed this myself.
The only one with big enough balls to come at me are Karens.
Even then it's rare. Not one time has a dude come at me with the mask shit.
In 1.5 years, it's 2 Karens. Not bad stats!
I work out 5 days a week for reference.
And the age of the karen is over. Can those demons.
NOT Masking again....We need a Boat load of..."Spartacus" Men and Moments!
Damn...So glad I was sent home to work, just signed the papers last month. But I hear ya.'s time to make THEM cry....Uncle!!!
Just get jacked to the tits on hopium.
For any frens who for whatever reason can’t make it to a gym, consider doing what I do:
100 pushups
20 pullups
I have cleared the 20 pull ups but cant get the push-ups yet (up to 60). Combine this with your favourite cardio (I run 5-7km twice a week) and you’ll be feeling great in no time.
YES! You don't have to flip tires. This should be a minimum/maintain goal for every man.
I didn't grow up on Dragon Ball Z to be a spectator.
I am, built a workout room during lockdown, lifting and cardio. I will fight the urge to tell someone to go fuck themselves. Instead be calm and either have a statement ready or simply laugh and walk off.
Possible statements
I am not a part of the society you have created Masks don't stop viral transmission Wake Up
try not to get angry, anger will confirm their opinion of us. Calm strength will have them questioning themselves.
Relevant quote
Come up here towards Salisbury/China Grove/Rovkwell. No one masks. Lots of great restaurants and wonderful Patriotic Americans. I moved from Gastonia to this area last month to get land and out of the city. I still have to go to Charlotte for work but at least I can do what I want at home.
I'm seeing about half the city right not ignore the mandate...kills me to see businesses give up their autonomy.
Heck yeah man; if things get worse...we'll leave the city.
My husband is 6’7” and is a truck. He’s told 2 stores so far calmly to go fuck themselves. (All male employees who hassled him). They cowered and stayed quiet after that.
Been doing crossfit workouts 5 days a week. Love what it's doing for my body!
Same, but just 3 for me...too hard on my body, but I'm top fitness of my life so far.
Dude. I'll only work out if a company pays me for it. I used to work out for football back on school and I gave up after I realized I wasn't good enough for a scholarship. Your body is temporary. I know you're supposed to treat it like a temple but that's a lot of fucking work. I used to run. Then I got bored with it. I just keep running and everything looks the same. If you want to get me to exercise you oughta call it playing out and not working out. I already work 40 hours a week man. Last thing I want to do is work when I get home.
The point is it prepairs you for what happens after your job is cut and we have to find alternative methods to support the fight, rather than couch surfing GAW.
Sides, exercise gives you energy. At my top shape in my 30s I had so much energy...i got soooo much done after work, productivity went up, I was able to concentrate, I slept well.
Better to be prepaired than brag in the gulag how you beat demise for the third time in Legend of Zelda.
Demise was easy compared to the imprisoned
Agreed. 😉
Also who wants to get stuff done after work? What do you do after work? What ever some one else wants you to do. "Ohh Gary lets go do this thing." or "Hey Gary can you do that thing?" I work too hard to do shit for other people. If I'm fit and healthy that just gives other people an excuse to ask me to do shit. Do you ask a sick and unhealthy person to do yard work? No because you know they won't be able to get it done. Sharing time with people is for communists. The goal of society is to make enough money to be able to pay people to leave you alone so you can retire with a caddie and sleep all day with a color TV in every room of the house. What kind of psycho just enjoys doing things for other people in their free time? If anyone asks me to do something they have to be a communist because only a communist could be such a leech with OTHER people's time. I worked hard and I deserve to be left alone. Go do the damn dishes yourself if they're so fucking bad. What kind of leisured creature works a job so easy that they willingly do things with other people after work?
All I'm saying is that I'd much rather be a floating brain. I don't like this whole body business. Seems like a lot of dead weight for my cerebellum to carry around. If I had my way I'd be a brain in a jar. Numb to all but thought forms.
Why are you here.....? serious question.
the dude is trolling. the first post in the chain was good but the rest of the comments were bad sarcasm.
Because I love America. Where else lets you make enough money to get your shit tugged on 24/7 by a hot thicc blonde super model? It may not always work out like that here but at least you have the freedom to attempt to make it happen. Is that stupid and petty? Probably but god damn it I want that freedom.
This is such a low iq post. Im in pain every minute because I didn’t take care of my body. My health goals now are to eliminate pain. It fucking sucks.