Trump went to great lengths to make sure this is a EUA, so it cannot be mandated.
So this seem like a red line that has been crossed for several reasons.
My prediction: It will come out (through whistle blowers) not only has a lot of adverse data been suppressed, but the original clinical trial was falsified (scant as it was) and that would bring a whole new dimension to this.
Trump will come out and say "I was assured they followed all the law when they did their trials, thats why I pushed for EUA."
At this point, all the events will converge and we will get what we have been waiting eagerly for - Finally some peace.
Expand your thinking. This is not just about this jab. It is about decades and decades of corrupt and harmful practices. FDA taking this action exposes a huge crack in their very foundation. The entire thing is going to come down on them.
I've read numerous times that with this approval the FDA has bought their ticket to the Nuremburg trials. Technically, the FDA has been guilty of crimes against humanity for decades, but apparently this action is deemed absolute proof for which there is no defense. I hope so.
My only concern is how many people are going to have to be crippled or killed before anyone can be held accountable? 12,000 people have had their lives cut short (that the CDC chooses to report); many others have permanent conditions that lowered their quality of life. I don't want to be negative but it seems like every corporation and government entity is in on this biological warfare against humanity. By the time a Nuremberg trial is even considered in mainline news, many of our loved ones will have their lives ruined or cut short.
The FDA has been crippling and killing people for decades, with the only difference now being that their corrupt behavior is truly front and center. See this post for some details:
The sliver lining in this mess is that maybe this time they've stuck their neck in the noose.
Or maybe they are in on the plan.
So far, everyone took the shot willingly. If this changes, watch out FDA!!
Except no. Their freedoms are being threatened, their livelihoods are being threatened and their social lives are being threatened.
That's a lot of threats to be seeing it as willingly.
Except for all those who were coerced or browbeaten or threatened into it.
And if they were living above their means and felt forced into the jab to make car and house payments, they are still accountable for their decision to get jabbed.
Yes it sucks, and one life is too many.
In a war, say civil war, 50,000+ died PER BATTLE.
WW2 saw 10s of millions die.
I dont wanna see anyone die, but 12,000 is small potatoes compared to what is coming. Brace yourselves.
Unless the ADE predictions are true and EVERYONE that took this thing potentially dies. I hope not but we’ve seen plenty of truth seekers parrot those talking points.
I say start lifting weights , cuz we'll be required to dispose and rid the piles and piles of bodies