If Patriots are in charge, we have to assume the "vaccines" have a purpose.
I'm not prepared to think they actually want to kill off the most loyal and brain-washed sheep...
Consider these trains of thought:
What if there is a supply war going on?
Where Patriots are intercepting shipments of the "vaccine" and swapping them out for placebos.
Keep in mind, Q post 1010.
At the moment, we know some of the "vaccines" are saline, either by gung-ho nurses swapping them out or by 'convenient' errors.
Some more recent reports I saw indicate as much as 50% of them could be placebo, which would explain the push for a double-dose.
But, follow me here...
How about the possibility ALL of them are placebo?
Like I said, be prepared for some potentially mind-shattering revelations.
The "vaccines" being dangerous could be a psy-op put in place by the remnants of the Old Guard to cause panic and split the population 50/50. They simultaneously support passports on one end of the spectrum and then turn around and secretly support the FBI led boogaloo on the other.
I'm not beholden to it, but it is still a distinct possibility that the "vaccines" are safe (as safe as any other injection given in the dystopian medical industry) and we are being fed a line of fear porn about them killing people.
It could also be that the early "vaccines" were lethal, but have since been phased out by Patriots. Some may still exist in the stockpile, which might explain the continued deaths...
What that leaves now is a political and corporate war for siphoning funds off of the American tax-payer by Big Pharma. Meanwhile, the Cabal are trying to push ANYTHING to maintain Medical Tyranny, including the possible declaration that the vaccinated are super-spreaders and the "vaccines" have been a massive mistake -- all to incite a panic.
Then again, the sheer volume of people saying they have fallen horribly ill after being vaccinated does put a wet blanket on this theory. They can't all be bots, right?
All this in no way suggests I support the "vaccine."
Quite the opposite. Even if we had 100% proof it is just a placebo, I wouldn't take it to "gain access to my freedoms."
Perish the thought.
No. At the end of the day, genocidal cocktail or not, anyone who willingly bows to any forced mandates such as the "vaccine" or even masks without resistance has forfeited their honor, grace, and individual agency.
The only one you should bow down to is the King of Kings, Jesus Christ.
Everyone else has to prove they are worthy of your trust and loyalty.
God forbid any one us must be tasked with burying the dead in the event of mass casualties~ If we could reverse anyone’s outcome, I wish only for the health and well being of all mankind. May we all have the strength to do the tasks potentially burdened upon us. 🙏
Undertaker might not be a bad business to go into.
Have a friend in the business. They told him to expect mass increases last year, but turned out there was not any more than the usual projection. Still isn’t. I tell (scared) people this fact, and they are astonished the death rate did NOT increase last year.
You mean your friend doesn't have freezer trucks backing up every Thursday to unload dead bodies??
So... the death rate didn't increase because my friend in the business didn't see it? That's like saying Trump couldn't have lost the election because there were a lot of people at one of his rallies.
N.B. If the death rate didn't increase, then depopulation doesn't seem to be working very well.
Jury is still out for this fall and winter though.. 🙁
It's always been profitable.
As long as we Undertake to arrest, (skip trail part) and hang the bastards responsible for those deaths, I'm in.
I thought being a notary or someone who deals with managing wills. I know it would be helpful but making money off this terrible crime against humanity gave me a bad feeling in my stomach
U mean burn the dead
I know this is off-topic, but the whole funeral industry is a racket that started after the Civil War. They tried to convince people that corpses are dangerous and needed professionals to handle them. However, only in the fringe cases of things like ebola are corpses transmitting disease after death (obviously not talking about a pile of rotting bodies in this case). Up until the Civil War, corpses, funerals, etc. were simply handled by the family. Now, when a family member dies, the hospital (or whomever) sends them to the funeral home and you get a nice little bill.
And that's the bottom dollar amount, $10k, I buried my mom in 2013 and she had $10k burial insurance that she bought in around 2010 when I told her that was the least it cost. She was shocked. It cost me a few grand over that and I even used a family business kind of known for less expensive funerals. Caskets are a ripoff. I must have been in some state choosing a blue casket "to match her eyes", how stupid is that??
How many corpses does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
It must be more than eight, because my basement still dark.