Belmont Hill School is not Belmont High School. The high school is down beside the commuter rail line by the swampy lowland area by Cambridge and close to Boston. Belmont Hill School is on top of Belmont Hill where the mansions are and close to Lexington and Lincoln. Anyone know if they grew up in the area?
It says they were in the classes of '75 and '76, but I'm suspecting they were both in the class of '69.
Still are to this day.
probably lovers........allegedly
I was hoping it would be Ridgemont High.
I bet they were bumping uglies. IMO that would explain a few things about both of em.
Belmont Hill School is not Belmont High School. The high school is down beside the commuter rail line by the swampy lowland area by Cambridge and close to Boston. Belmont Hill School is on top of Belmont Hill where the mansions are and close to Lexington and Lincoln. Anyone know if they grew up in the area?
Any body gotta match?
Look at the compass. It's a Free Mason symbol.
Why am I not surprised?
Wait, Rachel is a MAN????? Huh?? But, but, she's so CUTE!!
Wow. This is interesting....