A new bill has just been passed in Australia called Identify and Disrupt Bill
Essentially, this bill allows is, the Australian Federal Police (AFP) can log into your Email, your Facebook, Instagram any other social media, and not only view it but actually alter it however they want. They can send emails on your behalf, they can post things on your behalf, they can engage in criminal activity on your behalf in order to reach their objective. And if they want to throw you under the bus, you’re just collateral damage.
There is a petition to repeal this bill
Please pass the word to any Aussies you know to sign this petition and get the word out.
I personally think there is a deeper play here.
Remember when Trump gave the Legion of Merit to our Prime Minister and to the heads of states of India and Japan, all of whom I believe have been staunch supporters of The Plan.
This Plan is global, obviously, but I think Australia had been cleaned up at the top for a long time now.
In 2007, Kevin Rudd who was a Globalist puppet, basically "Trudeau and Biden rolled into one" version of the Southern Hemisphere came into power. Very soon, in the next 3 years strange things happened, with backstabbing, backroom deals etc, and this high "popular" government imploded, and the Liberals (the GOP equivalent of Australia) came to power.
After that, it was a sequence of back stabbing and backroom deals, that left so much turn over in the highest office that Emergency Rooms dropped the question "Who is the PM of Australia?" to check a person's cognitive ability when admitted.
It was during Trump's term (and after the infamous leak of Trump's call to Turnbull) that the final change happened and Scott Morrison came to power. The media hated him. Common people think he is an ass. But, miraculously all the backstabbing and back room deals suddenly stopped and he has been stable throughout, and received the Legion of Merit from Trump after the elections.
What I believe is that Australia had been cleaned up for a few years now, and all those crazy turn overs were perhaps the doings of White Hats to see who is the best person to have the Aussie chapter of the Plan trusted with.
If we assume what we are seeing is a Movie, you want to enact various end game scenarios for people to see. Canada, France, UK - they all had their turn showing the depths of authoritarianism. Australia, seems to have been picked for show casing the medical tyranny end-game.
Nothing I see in the news makes sense. I do not believe they dragged 24k children in Sydney to be force vaccinated. I do not believe 3 of those kids actually died right after being vaccinated. I think it's all part of the show.
I am not too worried. I have hunkered down, well stocked, waiting for the Storm to pass. I dont think Trump forgot about us. I think we are a big part in this Show. I hope I am right.
Thanks for your insights friend!
I think about you guys a lot. You are in my prayers!
Thank you so much. And you guys are in our prayers!
I hope your right too. Sending prayers for all you Aussies and your country. God bless
Everyone is definitely portraying Australia a lot worse than it actually is but i've just been letting them run with it because it's great propaganda to awaken the masses in the US.
This is kinda true as well ... :)
I have a friend over there that I talked to a couple days ago and he was unconcerned as well, but he did say that the mask thing was out of control, he got a mask exemption for a medical/breathing issue, but he said they'll fine you ridiculous amounts of money for stepping outside without one, also he's got a middle school aged daughter and he's concerned about the vaccine thing happening while she's away at school, but he's instructed her to refuse, and even run home if nescessary and call if they approach her about it.
I am so glad out here schools have been online for a few weeks. I sm not sending my kid back to school until this is resolved. You have no idea how much pressure grownups, authority figures can put on a small child. Just not enough to tell them to resist. I wont take that risk.
Yes, I sent him a bunch of links for online school programs I got from here a couple of weeks ago, it's kind of sad though, because I guess the kids are treated like pariahs by their peers now too if they're " unvaccinated" I guess the liberals who were so concerned a while back about bullying are giving this issue a pass🙄
It's kinda boom out of no where for us in NSW we had no mask mandates or anything until a month ago, all of 2020 and early 2021 there was like 10% sheep wearing masks and everyone laughing at them because they're dickhead, the only reason anyone is complying to anything is because the risk of a $5000 fine, Sydney is one of the most expensive cities on the planet to live in $5000 is a lot, they say it's temporary, people here trust them because it's our 1st lock down EVER and our premier has been relaxed all through covid until a month ago, we had 100k on the street with almost no organization just for a mask mandate, people organized another one last weekend, the government shut down all trains to the city, disabled UBER put checkpoints around the entire city and arrested anyone who made it to the meeting point, the crowd gathered to about 200 people then they were split apart and arrested. All this did was make people smarter and piss everyone off. everyone i know and their parents are all ready to go on strike and see right through the intimidation now.
That's all accurate, I'm in the same situation here in Victoria. But I don't wear a mask and most places don't ask. About 1 in 10 ask if I've signed in and I say yes, even though I never do. Some ask if I have a mask and I say I'm exempt then that's the end of it. The schools are so far 'recommending' the death shot but not mandating it for the high school kids.
But the danger in that is that when the truth comes out, people will discount it all, sort of like the "Pizzagate" story. I don't know if the pizzagate story was true, but when the media came out to bust it, it made tons of people totally discount ANY stories involving child trafficking.
Sadly, Pizzagate is true.
People don't want to believe anyone would do things like that, so they deny it can be true. I really have no idea what will convince them because they're capable of denying anything they see, no matter how horrific it may be. However, the drip/drip/drip of information seems to be working on some, so maybe in the long run it will even get the biggest deniers to accept that pizzagate and child trafficking are true.
most of the people who deny it after being shown it will flip as soon as they realize the majority isn't with them, it will become a conspiracy theory to think it's not factual.
Staying at home isn't so bad. That's by design.
Just wait until the food stops coming, the power goes out, and the water stops running.
Is that when we go buy truck loads of toilet paper? I think that’s what we did last time.
Toilet paper is a basic essential - unless you're a muslim, in which case your left hand will suffice.
This woman and her husband are organising, not a protest as such, but for people to gather in numbers in silence without placards at every chamber of parliament, council chambers and governor's houses on Tues, Aug 31st. The politicians must be freaking out because she is demanding that the police records for this royal commission to be released unredacted and for the governors' to dismiss all the current governments:
She says she has read all the ~42000 testimonies from the commission and has worked out that they are all linked through Freemason Demolay institutions and she has worked out that probably every single politician is in the Freemason Demolay network and they all need to go.
So I'm wondering if they rushed this legislation through as a way to try and disrupt these movements.
I hope Scott Morrison is a good guy, but I'm not betting on it because these guys claim that his father was a Freemason Demolay also:
October 31st is on a Sunday, this year. You sure your date is correct?
Thanks. Corrected: August.
Recently have been thinking along the same line, right now down under is like a set from a sci fi movie and I think Morrison is playing a double game.