Using these 2 documents from the US Census Bureau:
- 2019 US Population:
- 2020 Voting Stats:
Population: 328,239,523
Persons under 18: 22.3%
Persons over 18: 100 - 22.3 = 77.7%
Persons 18 or over in US: 328,239,523 * .777 = 255,042,109
Of these 255,042,109 voting age citizens 72.7% are registered to vote.
Registered voters: 255,042,109 * .727 = 185,415,613 registered voters
Of these registered voters, 66.8% voted
Actual voters: 185,415,613 * .668 = 123,857,629 actual votes.
123,857,629 votes cast in the 2020 election according to the US Census Bureau.
The media told us Biden received 81,284,666 and Trump received 74,224,319
Media's total votes: 81,284,666 + 74,224,319 = 155,508,985
The difference between what the Media says and what the US Census says:
155,508,985 - 123,857,629 = 31,651,356
31,651,356 votes the US Census Bureau does not account for, but the media claims exist.
I just thought this was interesting that our own government data heavily contradicts the media's claim for the 2020 election, and that it is so easily provable.
Note: If anyone has 2020 population data from the US Census, I can re-do these calculations.
Very interesting. This should be stickied - good info for red pills
The media uses common core math.
To hit the 155m we would have to have an 84% turnout. That would be a first!
It's easy to do when you have counties with over 100% turnout - like that one in Michigan with 720%!
EXCELLENT work - thank you!
Thanks for making that very simple to understand.
31 million? Uh oh! UH OH! That would put his "win" at 50 million votes! In line with theories that he may have only gotten 40...
THIS. Accounting for switched votes and thrown-out Trump votes, Trump mopped the floor with Biden to the tune of roughly 85 million-38 million. It wasn’t even CLOSE.
I think people who voted for him cause they liked him MAYBE scratched 20 million. MAYBE. I would not be surprised to find out a majority of votes cast on purpose for him were people who simply hated Trump.
should have a good accuracy on the 2020 census compared to previous census reports. Most of America was at home with nothing to do.