The elephant in the room. I've firsthand experienced normies around me realizing that Biden is a puppet lately. Took them long enough, but hey! I'll take it.
Yeah, someone in the background is definitely calling the shots and controlling Biden.
Quite disturbing.
Whomever they are, they're not for America, her citizens or her values.
His handlers meet in Racine, Wisconsin where he was told to personally intervene and make the “highly unusual move” to rig a corrupt billion dollar referendum. It is a bit north of Obama and Clinton’s Chicago.
Some of them include Knights of Malta and Pythias, Committee of 300, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Pilgrims Society.
Why did Mayor Pete make the final pitch for Biden in Racine of all places? Who did he meet with there?
Who served with Biden on the Committee on Foreign Relations two decades ago? Senator Wellstone’s accident was no accident.
Tim Dolan moved from St. Louis to the Racine and Milwaukee area for a specific mission. He was rewarded with the top spot as Cardinal and the best hope for an American Pope. He is no friend of Jesus Christ.
Paul Wellstone was investigating antitrust violations across industries including big tech and big agriculture. He learned they were not isolated, but coordinated.
Who should have access to and control of the Internet? Who should have access to and control of food, water and agriculture? Who should have access to and control of elections?
What did he plan to do with Afghanistan and Iraq? What happened instead?
What was he planning to campaign on in a bid for President?
The elephant in the room. I've firsthand experienced normies around me realizing that Biden is a puppet lately. Took them long enough, but hey! I'll take it.
Yeah, someone in the background is definitely calling the shots and controlling Biden. Quite disturbing. Whomever they are, they're not for America, her citizens or her values.
His handlers meet in Racine, Wisconsin where he was told to personally intervene and make the “highly unusual move” to rig a corrupt billion dollar referendum. It is a bit north of Obama and Clinton’s Chicago.
Some of them include Knights of Malta and Pythias, Committee of 300, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Pilgrims Society.
Why did Mayor Pete make the final pitch for Biden in Racine of all places? Who did he meet with there?
Who served with Biden on the Committee on Foreign Relations two decades ago? Senator Wellstone’s accident was no accident.
Tim Dolan moved from St. Louis to the Racine and Milwaukee area for a specific mission. He was rewarded with the top spot as Cardinal and the best hope for an American Pope. He is no friend of Jesus Christ.
What was the dangerous idea that was given to Paul Wellstone that you said "they could not allow"?
Paul Wellstone was investigating antitrust violations across industries including big tech and big agriculture. He learned they were not isolated, but coordinated.
Who should have access to and control of the Internet? Who should have access to and control of food, water and agriculture? Who should have access to and control of elections?
What did he plan to do with Afghanistan and Iraq? What happened instead?
What was he planning to campaign on in a bid for President?
He's been openly admitting he's controlled for months.
He's so demented, he doesn't realize he shouldn't say that.
No shit. These journalist bovine need a shot of curiosity.
I’ve been waiting for the same question!! “ Aren’t you the damn President Sir? Who is in charge here?”
"West Exec" is the operational front.