Robert David Steele passes away due to Covid Complications. This Photo went live the same day he "died" on McAfees Telegram @ 9:11 PM. Thoughts?

When did I call you a shill? I can’t find it in your conversations or mine? But I could have. The only time I call a shill is when someone is talking out their A$$ like one, on a site for Patriots snd Anons. If you’re a person coming on here trying to purposely stir up disbelief in people, when others are here attempting to learn the truth, then yes, that’s a shill thing to do. And yes, I or the other mods may call a person on it. If that person is offended of the possibilities or intel, oh well! The probabilities, info, or intel is kinda what we’re working on to present.
No you didn't call me shill. You were saying that 'the shills' say Juan is whatever. I thought it a great opportunity to have a little fun.
For good or bad, we do not have emoji's. My post responding to someone else was poking fun of you and your shills' comment.
Have a great night/morning.
Well good I’m glad I didn’t call you one if it’s not true haha. I’ll call it like I see it, but I usually try to educate and attempt to turn the mind first. And before I shill shame. I don’t like even like to ban a shill unless they just are out of control lame or spiteful. Well cool, I’m glad it’s all good and I didn’t shill shame out of turn. Have a good night too.