WE KEEP WINNING: Rolling Stone 'Horse Dewormer' Hit-Piece Debunked After Hospital Says No Ivermectin Overdoses
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Yup. Look at them trying to build the narrative in real time. They're trying to claim ERs are flooded. They need a distraction from the trainwreck of Afghanistan.
yeah, my humorless wife laughed when she saw that bullshit too
What a great post. Made me smile.
Thanks, OP!
Leftists lying!? I'm shocked! 😵
Likewise, shocked I say! Shocked!
No one who read the Rolling Stone article or who follows Rachel Maddow on Twitter will see the hospital statement, anything on zerohedge, any other debunking of their lies and if they do see it, they won't believe it.
That's our job isn't? We are the news now.
Do we have to do fucking everything? Christ…
Yes. Now hurry up and wait.
Original article written by a local, Katelyn Ogle. The Ogle family is is well known in Oklahoma with members on all 3 main tv news channels. If you need proof that local news is pushing narratives and can't be trusted, here it is.
I don't see where any retraction has been made by Rolling Stone or the Doctor.
Our purpose here is to spread the truth outside this forum.
I'm so tired of these lying sacks of shit, always trying to muddy the waters for their goblin overlords...
They're complicit and IMO just as guilty for their part in it all. They deserve the same fate because without them, this all NEVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED.
In the meantime all y'all MSM Slugs can chug a gallon of fresh milked male horse milk. Now with our newly added Ivermectin Flavour - "She'll Be Apples, Maaate".
The criminal lies of MSM can not be protected by our 1st Amendment. They know they are lying and that makes it Treason.
Brian Cates: How stupid have those pushing the vaccines become, when they try to transparently suppress information about drug treatments like HCQ and Ivermectin as valid prophylactics against COVID infection? It's now a matter of public record that at the very same time the AMA was claiming Ivermectin shouldn't be taken for COVID prevention, the CDC was telling Dr.'s treating incoming Afghan refugees to give them...Ivermectin. This is great. NONE OF THESE PEOPLE ARE ON THE SAME PAGE ANYMORE. Their coordination is SHIT. Events have overtaken them. The documentary record on Ivermectin was clear, just as it was with HCQ. The medical literature was already established. But when India wanted to use the far cheaper Ivermectin rather than vaccines to get their country's Delta surge under control, the WHO told them they were making a BIG MISTAKE. India did it anyway - and Ivermectin stopped the surge in it's tracks in less than 2 weeks. India's Dr.'s had seen the studies on Ivermectin like this one: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41429-020-0336-z
TIL that the Rolling Stone is still in business and still run by fags.
It's a shame that hospitals aren't giving ivermectin. People die and they won't even ivermect them as a hail mary. I wouldn't call this good news at all. Not for the infected.
Ok so is Jason McElyea or whoever a real person? Does he work at that hospital? Who the fuck paid him? How much? Because unless he’s a crisis actor he’s losing his medical license right?
I was so surprised there was a name in the article, it must be a bogus character.
Parasites be squirming
Dewormer? More like Dweomer, because it's said to have worked like a miracle.
Everyone knows "Okies" are just a dumb bunch of lazy good'for'nothings, amirite? EDIT Oklohoma --> Okies --> OK --> history repeats, we are back at denegrating them.