I had some really great friends who were amazing until the pandemic and vaccination rhetoric started.
They were oblivious to Biden’s issues/believed the Trump rhetoric, but were still good people.
I’ve now been ostracized from the group because I sourced material saying the vaccines aren’t as safe or effective as they were being told, and that ivermectin has more scientific backing than it just being “horse paste.” They are all incredibly intelligent, but they’ve fallen for the narrative and refuse to consider and other perspective.
Anyone have tips for dealing with this? You think we’ll be able to patch up these relationships when things really hit the fan?
Sometimes I regret researching and redpilling because my life has been so incredibly altered...
You are not alone. I have an "intelligent" friend basically tell me people like me are delusional. She did not use that word, only the definition. Apparently she is not aware of the definition of "projection".
I just avoid discussing anything contentious - even with my wife. (Especially with my wife!) I find that schoolteachers and medical people are the worst. (My wife is a retired physical therapist who worked in hospitals all her life.) But a few acquaintances have surprised me. Right now I can have frank discussions with about five people in my locality. Two are garage mechanics. I'm sure that there are many more "awake" but probing is tricky. Some people will listen without objecting but I can tell that they think I'm crazy.
It's going to be weird when the tipping point comes.
get some wwg1wga bumper stickers and go to the farmers market or library or church and make some new friends. you might think they're good people, but they'd turn you over in a heartbeat if the government said you were a threat. it takes hard times for people to show their true colors, and now you've seen theirs, don't waste your time on them.
Yep, "How many fingers, Winston?"
We were chosen for a reason.
That regret is part of the process. Meditation works.
I never even tried to reason with my lifelong friends. I just told them I will not mask and I most definitely will not take the jab. I did tell them about America's Frontline Doctors and things they could do if they got COVID after being fully "vaccinated". That alone was enough to make me the persona non grata in the group.
I have come to accept the situation and if everything comes to pass as we are all hoping, I will leave the door open to continue the friendships. I don't expect or anticipate any apologies.
Get new friends. What you described happened to me. It sucks and it's almost like they died in my mind, but I flat out don't trust these people. It's better, for me at least, to not associate with them anymore.
I have no doubts they'd be the first to stab me in the back should shit get serious. Half of the garbage I saw them post on social media last year told me all I need to know. These people are basically brainwashed.
They obey what they see on television or hear on NPR. If you question anything they claim, packs of their hyena "friends" start flinging insults and label you a science denier. I can't even begin to imagine the shit they'd do if prices were put on our heads for a FEMA camp roundup or if it were known that the law would look the other way if the unvaxxed were attacked.
When this is all over, maybe you can make amends. People are all different. Maybe the people you know are different than the ones I know. I, personally, am done with former acquaintances that decided that liberty is worthless. From my point of view, they'd have been collaborators with tyranny in past wars. Moreover, it's been over a year now and I can't say I miss any of them.
It's cognitive dissonance
Being presented with facts that make you question your own self-image and beliefs invokes a strong emotional response.
I wrote up a more detailed explanation here: https://greatawakening.win/p/12kFZ6ekjQ/x/c/4JEVNyi1MtI
They let to remember is just as physical force on a person is unacceptable in most circumstances so is mental force. We maybe our brothers keeper but not his master. We can and should warn people but we must not “force” information on people especially when they have told us no.
This will preserve relationships and build healthy trust.
This is true.
I should’ve listened to this before I fell for the bait of, “What do you think of vaccine passports and mandates?” in our discussion. I was told the journal articles I sourced were “bad science” and took it personally.
Too late now, I guess. Perhaps God’s grace can save our friendships since my human faults messed them up.
I've had similar outcomes simply because I forgot to remember that there are questions that shouldn't be responded to.
Best to respond with "dunno, what do YOU think?" and keep quiet.
Losing relationships is hard. Being around people who so patently disagree with you on very significant issues is harder. Let them go for now. Those who awaken will remember you and return, and you're better off without any who don't. Consider that without them you don't have to constantly monitor your words and you're not stressed by your differences with them, which likely means your life is much more peaceful and harmonious.
In pondering what is making people so resistant to facts, I realized that the WW2 generation believed doctors and government had our best interests at heart. Maybe they did at that time, I don't know. But as the world (and people's characters and attitudes) changed, they didn't adapt. They've raised their children with that mindset, and they have continued to make decisions based on that faith in other's motives. Unfortunately, today you cannot trust either government or medical workers because so many of them are focused on how they can make the most money. And too many of them are willing to sacrifice their character to accomplish that.
"all incredibly intelligent" apparently not
College education has led them to believe they can trust whatever comes out of the MSM horse’s mouth
A lot of them just think they are intelligent and informed because they listen to MSM.
well, true, before 9/11 i actually thought Fox/FreeRepublic/Drudge/Limbaugh were real...man that was a wake-up call when B7 went went down with visible demolition blasts, i quickly realized nothing was real. nothing.
My wife's IQ is higher than mine. She's highly intelligent but misguided. Thankfully, we gave up TV years ago, otherwise she'd be unbearable.
i got the high IQ + multiple STEM degrees, but my first job was gubmint, DoE, saw firsthand what a bunch of liars the pols and the govt-funded 'scientists' are
Priorities: First save your health and your life! If they survive or surcome to the lies and the poisoned jabs they will need your forgiveness & possibly your guidance [but keep your distance as they have already shown their personailty emotional status and mental delusion.
Have plenty of friends and family just like this...just tell them when the "mooo varient" comes around, to figure out which ass cheek they're gonna get branded. They will come around, they will need support when this narrative is shattered in a "shock and awe" fashion.
That is the million dollar question.
You can have a good relationship with them again, if you are forgiving. But you may have to stay away for a while. Hopefully they will awaken, even if the key and the motivation for their hearts and brains to wake up doesn't come from you.
Get a dog.